OlaBekkevold / toDo

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To Do List

A simple to do list for keeping track of different tasks. Allows deletion of tasks and marking them as complete.

How does it work?


Download the zip file, extract it and open index.html

Adding tasks

On the left side of the page you can find a menu for adding tasks. You need to write both a title and a short description, then click on Add task. Your new task will appear in the middle of the screen. You can add as many tasks as you want. You are limited to 64 characthers per title and 104 per description.

Completing tasks

You will see a white box beside a task, when you press it the task will be marked as complete. On the right side you can see an overview of your progress so far in the list.

Deleting tasks

Each task has a trash can icon which you can click to delete the task. You can also click the button in the top left corner, which will delete all tasks at once.