OleVik / grav-plugin-directorylisting

Simple directory listing for pages in Grav.
MIT License
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Grav Directory Listing Plugin

Returns a hierarchy of pages and media below the page through Twig, stylized as a collapsible tree-structure:

Directory Listing

Installation and Configuration

  1. Download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under /your/site/grav/user/plugins.
  2. Rename the folder to directorylisting.

You should now have all the plugin files under


The plugin is enabled by default, and can be disabled by copying user/plugins/directorylisting/directorylisting.yaml into user/config/plugins/directorylisting.yaml and setting enabled: false.


Variable Default Options Note
enabled true true or false Enables or disables plugin entirely.
level 1 (int) 0-n Initial level of folders to expand on load.
max_depth 3 (int) 0-n Depth at which to stop generating the tree.
links true true or false Enables or disables links on file names.
builtin_css true true or false Enables or disables the plugin's built-in CSS.
builtin_js true true or false Enables or disables the plugin's built-in JavaScript.
exclude_main true true or false Excludes the page-file, ie. the Markdown-.file, from the tree-structure.
exclude_modular true true or false Excludes modular pages, ie. the modular folders from the tree-structure.
order.by date default, folder, title, date Default - based on folder name; Folder - based on prefix-less folder name; Title - based on title field in header; Date - based on date field in header
order.dir desc asc or desc Changes direction of ordering.
exclude_additional null List of files/folders Excludes additional files/foldes from the tree-structure, as a YAML list.
include_additional null List of files/folders Additional folders to include in the tree-structure, as a YAML list.

By default all pages and media are recursively traversed in the same folder as the page, with the first level of folders expanded. Navigation is done by clicking the folder-name. This relies on the included metisMenu jQuery-plugin and CSS.

Disabling builtin_css and builtin_js returns a simple hierarchical unordered HTML-list, which can be styled manually through your theme. With exclude_main enabled, the default Markdown-file is hidden. Disabling links will return just filenames, rather than filenames wrapped in a link to the file. The level-option sets how many levels deep the folders should expand on load.

Additional pages can be excluded by passing a list to exclude_additional, and additional pages can be included by passing a list to include_additional. In either case, page-routes are used, ie., use /blog not 02.blog.


Simply include the following in your Twig-templates:

{{ directorylisting | raw }}

Advanced usage

You can configure the plugin-settings in individual page FrontMatter, for example:

title: 'Modular Page'
onpage_menu: true
body_classes: 'modular header-image fullwidth'
  items: '@self.modular'
  level: 5
  exclude_main: true
  exclude_modular: false
   - "/blog"
   - "/blog/week-15"

You can also call the plugin from the directorylisting Twig-function, for example:

{% set settings = {
    'exclude_main': false,
    'exclude_modular': true,
    'include_additional': [
} %}
{{ directorylisting(settings) | raw }}

The multi-dimensional array of values passed to the function mirrors the plugin's settings exactly, and is merged with the plugin's general settings.

Note: As with Grav itself, you should avoid a large amount of subfolders and files underneath user/pages. As the plugin recursively iterates below any page whose template uses the Twig-tag, a large amount of files (numerically, not in size), could slow performance. If the site is cached, this will not be noticeable even with thousands of files.

MIT License 2017 by Ole Vik.