This is a Software Defined Radio(SDR) project implementing a DVB-T2 receiver.
The project was created using the Qt5 framework. To build the project, you need to install the library FFTW3:
Supported devices:
Received DVB-T2 signal parameters:
Tested configurations: OS: Linux Mint 20 Ulyana 64-bit. Windows 10 22H2 Processor: Intel© Core™ i5-8600 CPU @ 3.10GHz × 6
To view the video signal, a VLC player v2.x (not v.3x) with udp://@:7654 parameters was used (URL)
Used in the project Qt C++ widget QCustomPlot (necessary files are included in the project):
The LDPC block is a port of the code in:
The PLUTOSDR kernel patch has been ported and modified from: