OleguerCanal / cpp-python_socket

Simple socket comunication between c++ and python
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is more an exercice for me to learn how to make installable packages than an actual useful repo. Also, it is not finished, so expect some errors and a lot of missing stuff. Anyway, it works so hey, why not use it if you need it :)


Simple TCP/IP socket comunication wrapper between c++ and Python for IPC.

General Information

Only tested in Ubuntu 16.04 (python2 and python3) but it should be ok on other OS's, write an issue if its not.

Test it!

  1. Clone repo & change directory: git clone https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git; cd cpp_python_socket/

  2. [OPTIONAL] Change branch to enable image transferring: git checkout image_transferring

  3. Build cpp code: ./cpp/build.sh

  4. Run unit test:

    • Terminal 1: python python_server_test.py
    • Terminal 2: ./run_cpp_client_test.sh

Install it!

Install Python package:

pip install CppPythonSocket --user

(or pip3 depending which python you wanna use)

Install c++ package:

  1. Either clone or add as a submodule this repo to your project folder:

git clone https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git or

git submodule add https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git

  1. [OPTIONAL] Change branch to enable image transferring: cd cpp_python_socket/

git checkout image_transferring

  1. Build it: ./cpp/build.sh

  2. If intending to use C++ code, add this 3 things to your CMakeLists.txt:

    • add_subdirectory(cpp_python_socket)
    • Append cpp_python_socket/cpp/include to include_directories(...
    • Append cpp_sockets to target_link_libraries(... of your library/executable.

Usage examples

Python Server:

from CppPythonSocket import Server
import cv2

if __name__ == "__main__":
  server = Server("", 5002)

  # Check that connection works
  message = server.receive()
  print("[CLIENT]:" + message)
  server.send("Shut up and send an image")

  # Receive and show image
  image = server.receive_image()
  cv2.imshow("SERVER", image)

C++ client:

#include <iostream>
#include "client.hpp"

int main() {
    socket_communication::Client client("", 5002);

    // Check that connection works
    client.Send("Hello hello!");
    std::string answer = client.Receive();
    std::cout << "Server: " << answer << std::endl;

    // Load image and send image
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread("cpp/lena.png");
    std::string answer2 = client.Receive();
    std::cout << "Server: " << answer2 << std::endl;