AIUtils is a program which automatically calculates the coordinates for Alien Isolation levels in order to use them in OpenCAGE.
Alien Isolation has to be opened first, then start AIUtils. After loading into a level select it in the dropdown list. The normal coordinates and translated coordinated for OpenCAGE will be shown in their respective fields.
As it seems right now the left coordinates are for objects inside the AYZ composite. The OpenCAGE coordinates are usually what to use in the SCRIPT_STORYMISSION composite.
Refresh updates the AI process. This is needed after restarting the game.
This is similar to the Cheat Engine process list.
It does what it says
If you face the problem that the coordinates are not getting updated either try clicking the "refresh" button or reload the mission/level.
Data for the offsets were gathered by using the modding tool OpenCAGE developed by MattFiler.