OllieForrest / GroupProject

Agile Web Dev CITS3403
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Agile Web Dev CITS3403

Description of Purpose, Design and Use

This application requires players to guess the price of an item sold by another. Players can register, edit and view their accounts and account details. Points are awarded on the basis of guess accuracy, and those points are then accumulated. When a post is made, the price paid, condition, description and name is displayed to the player, and the price the item was sold for is hidden. Based on the information provided, players must guess the price the item was sold for. The leaderboard displays the players with the most points.

Group Members

Name UWA ID Github Username
Oliver Forrest 23339608 OllieForrest
Ruby Wilner 23325824 rubywilner
Indra Gultom 23644267 IndraGultom
Jess Harcourt-Cooke 23403545 jesshc12

How to launch

  1. Clone Repository: git clone https://github.com/OllieForrest/GroupProject.git # 2.Navigate to project directory: cd GroupProject #
  2. Create virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv #
  3. Activate the virtual environment: MacOS: source venv/bin/activate, Windows: venv\Scripts\activate #
  4. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt # 6.Set the flask application variable: MacOS: export FLASK_APP=app.py, Windows: set FLASK_APP=app.py # 7.Flask Run: flask run #
  5. Open in Browser: #

    How to run tests

    The tests can be found in the test.py file of the GroupProject directory. # CD into the GroupProject directory on your local repository. # Use the follwoing terminal command to run the tests: python test.py.