26.11.14: Now accepted/moved into XFCE4 panel-plugins! http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin/
Hardware Monitor is a monitor applet for the XFCE4 panel (originally the GNOME panel). It supports a variety of monitoring capabilities (CPU usage, network throughput etc.) and different kinds of viewers (curves, bars, columns, text, flames).
It is licensed under the GNU GPL.
1.4.6 upgrade: See NEWS/Changelog.
You need a modern XFCE4 desktop (i.e. at least XFCE 4.4 I think) with the related libraries and the C++ wrappers for GTK+ and the Gnome canvas library - gtkmm, libglademm and libgnomecanvasmm. These can be fetched from http://www.gtkmm.org, or are alternatively probably available as packages from your distributor.
Also, to compile the program you need the development files for the XFCE4 panel, the XFCE4 user interface library libgtop. The following are the correct packages on Debian Testing as of 7.11.13:
libglademm-2.4-dev libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libgtop2-dev libxfce4ui-1-dev xfce4-panel-dev
If you have libsensors from the lm-sensors package installed at compile time, the configure script will detect it and add support for monitoring temperatures and fan speeds (if the library is not found, the relevant UI is hidden).
Note that when you compile from source, the file hardware-monitor.desktop must end up a place where the panel can find it. Else you will not be able to find the applet in the right-click panel menu. This place is usually /usr/share/xfce4/panel/plugins/. If you run configure with
./configure --prefix=/usr
and install the applet, it will work.
To set up the build environment for the usual ./configure && make && make install, run the provided autogen.sh script first - autoconf, libtool and intltool need to be installed for this script to work.
See http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin/tree/?h=pkg
Report bugs and suggestions to OmegaPhil: