OmegaWoWeu / Decades

Decades' database for bug reports and fixes.
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Decades' database for bug reports and fixes.

How To: Using The Issue Tracker

Found a bug? Want to have it fixed fast? Then please report it on our issue tracker! In order to use the Issue Tracker, all you need to do is click on the green “New Issue” button. Add the title of the bug to your post (a title which makes it as clear as possible what the bug is about. No ambiguous “hunter pet bug” titles!), and fill in the template in the description box.

Template walkthrough:

Description – Write what the bug is, in as much detail as possible.

How to reproduce bug – Explain how we can check the bug out for ourselves e.g. what steps we have to take to make the bug happen again.

How it should work – Explain what is supposed to happen if the bug didn’t exist. This ensures we know what the end result of the fix has to be.

Screenshots – Please link to any screenshots you have made which shows the bug in action. We highly encourage you to activate timestamps in the chat. This will be very useful in determining fixes for bugs that have some sort of time-related issue; the more screenshots, the better.

Relevant AddOns - Please type in any AddOns you are using that might interfere with the game in more problematic ways. If you want to be safe, list all of them.

Source: - Please try to find as many reliable sources as you can which attest to how something should be working. Useful sources include: Patch notes, videos, WoWHead comments (though keep in mind WoWHead is not very reliable anymore, but some comments dated 2008-2010 may be of help). Link any sources you find.