OmgFyiTbh / farmADV

A farming program for computer craft tweaked in Feed the Beast Revelations
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Compare string to number #2

Open poboy975 opened 2 years ago

poboy975 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried your program today, and I got this error when starting. inv:108 attempt to compare string to number and the program stopped after that.

Minecraft 1.18 CC Tweaked cc-tweaked-1.18-1.99.0

OmgFyiTbh commented 2 years ago

Okay that's interesting never had that before. I must admit I haven't played since I uploaded this last year I'll take a look. Did the program work at all? What where the conditions of the turtle is did you already fuel it?

poboy975 commented 2 years ago

I didn't fuel it, I have the fuel need turned off in my world. I can throw some coal in it and try it again.

update I put half a stack of coal into the turtle, and tried starting the farmADV. Same error happened, and the coal vanished. Didn't drop on the ground or get put into any chest. Just gone. Might be a side effect of having the fuel need turned off.

OmgFyiTbh commented 2 years ago

Yeah, coal will just disappear when the turtle fuels itself. I'm just firing up FTB to try it out not touched it in ages.

OmgFyiTbh commented 2 years ago

So I've tested the program in FTB revelations and its working fine at least to the level it always did... Can I suggest you try again with fuel requirement turned on. I can't see where to disable fuel so can't test it myself. Please let me know.

poboy975 commented 2 years ago

Ok, sorry for the delay. I turned the fuel need back on, and it worked. I also have a tree farm turtle running, which worked fine without fuel, here is the pastebin for the tree farm. It might have the answers to the unlimited setting for fuel needs.