OmgFyiTbh / farmADV

A farming program for computer craft tweaked in Feed the Beast Revelations
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A farming program for computer craft tweaked in Feed the Beast Revelations.

FarmADV consists of two programs the main farming program and a inventory management program that is loaded as an API.

The farming program is designed and tested in Feed the Beast Revelations and will manage a 16x32 block wheat farm.

This modpack has a quality of life mod that makes the hoe both in hand and on the farming bot break more than one block at a time thus making the farming turtle unusable. The work around for this is use a regular turtle equipped with diamond sword. At the moment the code is writen that this needs to be on the left.

The code at present is also writen to have a modem on the right of the turtle and sends strings over this modem to a display program that runs on another computer. this function can be removed by deleting the print() funtion within farmADV.

The inventory api "inv" has a number of functions that allows inventory magement and item selcetion on the CC turtles. please use this in your programs.

This Version has:




Known issues:

Edit the code you download freely but please report bugs in the orginal code here if im not bored of this mod i will fix them. Happy farming.

Credit for the inv library goes to Starkus, I used most of it made some changes and added some bit but source code is here: