OmniFish-EE / glassfish-grizzly-virtual-threads-pool

Virtual threads pool for GlassFish thread pools
Eclipse Public License 2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

Virtual threads GlassFish thread pool

An implementation of a GlassFish thread pool that schedules tasks on virtual threads instead of platform threads.


mvn install

(requires Java 21+ to build)


  1. After building, copy target/grizzly-virtual-threads-pool.jar into an existing GlassFish installation, either to glassfish/modules, or to glassfish/domains/domain1/lib
  2. Run GlassFish 7 on Java 21
  3. Edit http-thread-pool thread pool and set the Class Name to: org.glassfish.grizzlyintegration.virtualthreads.VirtualThreadsExecutorService



When the above steps are performed with an older Java version than 21, all will work, but the thread pool will fall back to the default mechanism, which uses platform threads.