OmniLayer / OmniJ

OmniLayer for Java, JVM, and Android
Apache License 2.0
133 stars 89 forks source link

= OmniJ Project Sean Gilligan v0.7.0-alpha3 :description: OmniJ README document. :omnij-version: 0.7.0-alpha3


[CAUTION] This is pre-release software and APIs may change without notice.

== OmniJ

image:["Build Status", link=""] image:["Build Status", link=""] image:["Build Status", link=""]

A Java/JVM implementation of the[Omni Layer], an open-source, fully decentralized asset creation platform built on the Bitcoin blockchain.

There are currently ten active subprojects of OmniJ. Each of which builds a JAR artifact. The core JARs require JDK 8 or JDK 9. Some optional JARs require later JDK versions.

[options="header",frame="all"] |=== | module | Description | JDK | Notes

| omnij-cli | Omni consensus-checking command-line tool. | 17 | Can be natively compiled with GraalVM native-image.

| omnij-core | Core OmniJ classes | 11 | Android-compatible

| omnij-dsl | Groovy Domain Specific Language (DSL) support for Omni | 11 | Useful in Spock unit and integration tests. Uses the Apache Groovy Language

omnij-jsonrpc OmniClient JSON-RPC client and JSON-RPC support. 11
omnij-money JavaMoney support for Omni currency codes and exchanges 11
omnij-net-api Http interfaces and objects for Omniwallet & Omni Core with a common interface. 11
omnij-rest-client-jdk Omniwallet REST client using JDK 11+ 11

| omnij-rest-client-retrofit | Omniwallet REST client using Retrofit library | 11 | Android-compatible

| omnij-rpc | Omni Core RegTest/Integration Tests, Groovy JSON-RPC clients, command-line API/tools | 11 | Uses the Apache Groovy Language

omnij-tx-records Omni Transactions defined as Java records and services that use them. 17


A Bitcoin JSON-RPC client (base class), and other components used by OmniJ are in the[ConsensusJ] project.

=== OmniLayer Documentation

=== OmniJ Documentation and Build Reports

=== Including the OmniJ Maven Artifacts (JARs) in your build

WARNING: These binaries have not been audited. Use only on TestNet or RegTest.

Although the API is changing, binary releases are available on[]. You can download JARs or use the provided Maven coordinates to link to them directly from your pom.xml or build.gradle.

==== Maven

Add the following to the <repositories> section of your pom.xml:

[source, xml]

consensusj-gitlab-maven omnij-gitlab-maven

In the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml add a <dependency> element that references the OmniJ JAR that you need. For example if you are using classes from omnij-core add the following <dependency> configuration:

[source, xml, subs="attributes+"]


If you are using the omnij-jsonrpc JAR, add the following:

[source, xml, subs="attributes+"]


==== Gradle

Add the following to the repositories section of your build.gradle:

[source, groovy]

maven { url '' }  // ConsensusJ
maven { url '' } // OmniJ

In the dependencies section of your build.gradle add an implementation configuration that references the OmniJ JAR that you need. For example if you are using classes from omnij-core add the following implementation configuration:

[source, groovy, subs="attributes"]

implementation "foundation.omni:omnij-core:{omnij-version}"

If you are using the omnij-jsonrpc JAR, add the following:

[source, groovy, subs="attributes"]

implementation "foundation.omni:omnij-jsonrpc:{omnij-version}"

=== Building OmniJ

The only prerequisite for building OmniJ is having Java JDK 11 or later installed (JDK 17 is recommended.) All other prerequisites are downloaded automatically by the[Gradle Wrapper] script.

. Check out this project using Git

$ git clone

. Open a shell and set the current working directory

cd OmniJ

. Build and test with the provided Gradle wrapper scripts. For Unix/Mac:

./gradlew build

+ or for Windows:

./gradlew.bat build

After a successful build, each omnij-_module_ JAR can be found in a standard location:

[options="header",frame="all"] |=== | module | jar path

| omnij-_module_ | omnij-_module_/build/libs/omnij-_module_-_version_.jar


== Omni Integration Testing with Spock Framework

Integration testing for[Bitcoin] and[Omni Protocol] using the[Spock Framework].

There are currently two integration test suites contained in this project.

Omni RegTest Tests:: Test Bitcoin and Omni Core RPC calls against an instance of omnicored running in RegTest mode.

Omni Consensus Tests:: Use the omni_getallbalancesforid RPC to get balances for multiple Omni Protocol currencies and compare them against balance information from several well-known public Omni Protocol servers with consensus-checking Web APIs.

=== In ConsensusJ

Bitcoin RegTest Tests:: Test Bitcoin RPC calls against an instance of bitcoind running in RegTest mode.

=== Installing pre-requisites

The only prerequisite for running these tests is an installed Java Runtime Environment. Either an Oracle or OpenJDK VM will work. Java 11 or later is required.

All other dependencies are automatically downloaded and cached by the test startup script.

=== Running the tests manually

. Check out this project using Git

$ git clone

. Start Omni Core (or bitcoind) on MainNet listening on the standard RPC port on localhost. The tests are configured to use the following username and password:


. Open a shell and set the current working directory

cd OmniJ

. Run the tests with the provided Gradle wrapper scripts. For Unix/Mac:

./gradlew :omnij-rpc:consensusTest

+ or for Windows:

./gradlew.bat :omnij-rpc:consensusTest

+ The above examples are for the Consensus Test, to run the other test suites replace the :omnij-rpc:consensusTest Gradle target with :omnij-rpc:regTest for the Omni RegTests or with :bitcoin-rpc:regTest for the Bitcoin RegTests.

=== Running the tests from Jenkins

To run the test from Jenkins we are using the following (UNIX) shell scripts: Runs Omni Core RPC regtest test against a built executable of omnicored in copied-artifacts/src directory. Runs consensus tests against a built executable of omnicored in copied-artifacts/src directory.

==== In ConsensusJ project

bitcoinj-rpcclient/ Runs BTC RPC RegTest tests against a built executable of bitcoind in copied-artifacts/src directory.

[CAUTION] Read the scripts carefully to make sure you understand how they work. Take special care to notice the rm -rf commands.

=== Sample Spock Integration Tests

These sample Spock "feature tests" are from the file[ManagedPropertySpec.groovy].


def "A managed property can be created with transaction type 54"() {
    creationTxid = omniSendIssuanceManaged(actorAddress, Ecosystem.OMNI,
                      new CurrencyID(0),
                      "Test Category", "Test Subcategory",
                      "Managed Token Name",
                      "This is a test for managed properties")
    def creationTx = omniGetTransaction(creationTxid)
    currencyID = creationTx.propertyId

    then: "the transaction is valid"

    and: "it has the specified values"
    creationTx.txiId == creationTxid.toString()
    creationTx.typeInt == 54
    creationTx.divisible == false
    creationTx.propertyname == "ManagedTokens"
    creationTx.amount == 0

    and: "there is a new property"
    omniListProperties().size() == old(omniListProperties().size()) + 1

def "A managed property has a category, subcategory, name, website and description"() {
    def propertyInfo = omniGetProperty(currencyID)

    propertyInfo.propertyid == currencyID.getValue()
    propertyInfo.divisible == false == "ManagedTokens"
    propertyInfo.category == "Test Category"
    propertyInfo.subcategory == "Test Subcategory"
    propertyInfo.url == "" == "This is a test for managed properties"

== OmniJ Command-line Consensus tool

The command-line consensus tool, omnij-consensus-tool can be built into a native, self-contained, executable using[GraalVM]. You'll need a Java 11 (or later) version of GraalVM, we currently recommend version 21.3.0 (java11).

=== Building

Before building you'll need a GraalVM setup on your system. Besides intalling the Graal JDK, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Set GRAAL_HOME to the JAVA_HOME of the GraalVM JDK
  2. With the GraalVM active, type gu install native-image to install the optional native-image tool.

On Ubuntu you might need to do: sudo apt install gcc g++ binutils. Similar installs of development tools may be needed on other Linux distros.

The OmniJ Command-line Consensus tool can be built with the following command:

./gradlew :omnij-cli:nativeCompile

This will produce a self-contained, executable jar in omnij-cli/build/omnij-consensus-tool.

=== Running

To run use the following command:

./omnij-cli/build/omnij-consensus-tool -?

This will output the tool's command line options.

=== Man Page

See the[omnij-consensus-tool Man Page] for further instructions.

== Additional Documentation

The doc directory of this project contains some additional documents that might be of interest:

. link:doc/regtest-intro.adoc[Introduction to Regression Test Mode] . link:doc/omnij-test-design-patterns.adoc[OmniJ Test Design Patterns] . link:doc/omni-sto-testing.adoc[Omni Protocol Send To Owners Testing] . link:doc/omni-consensus-hashing.adoc[Omni Protocol Consensus Hashing Proposal]