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Omni Protocol Specification (formerly Mastercoin)
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Bonus calculation based on weekly basis may yield interesting results #264

Open dexX7 opened 9 years ago

dexX7 commented 9 years ago

Let's take one more look at one of the fringe cases:


The example is WeeCoin:

Omni asset details Omni explorer details

This crowdsale has a deadline value of 1405016346000 or which equals a datetime of 46555-08-31 20:40:00. Furthermore this crowdsale has an early bird bonus weekly bonus of two (2) percent.

Here is the issue:

The crazy high bonus of 4648068.1% seems to be slightly off, but isn't magnitutes away from being correct.

Even if we assume - what actually doesn't hold true - the deadline were capped at max uint32 = 07 Feb 2106 06:28:15 UTC, then a weekly bonus of 255 % results nevertheless in an initial bonus of 1215580.91% (if created now).

Let's look at the worst case - and as far as I know current situation - the deadline is cappped at 0x7fffffffffffffff or decimal 9223372036854775807, this should roughly result in a bonus of 3888822535380237% at the very beginning. ;)

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't expect such high numbers.

All this seems far from reality, but what I think might be a common use-case: never ending crowdsales - which presumably use a max. deadline value.

Related: #263 +

Edit: adjusted numbers.

marv-engine commented 9 years ago

I agree. I don't see what real world use case is served by this, the risks far outweigh any potential benefits.