OmniLayer / spec

Omni Protocol Specification (formerly Mastercoin)
The Unlicense
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= Omni Layer Specification Project

== Introduction

Welcome to the Github repository for the Omni Layer Specification.

NOTE:: Major changes are happening here! We are restructuring and reformatting the Omni Layer Specification. The work-in-progress new specification is link:OmniSpecification.adoc[version 0.7] and is in a file named link:OmniSpecification.adoc[OmniSpecification.adoc]. The final version of the old format is link:OmniSpecification-v0.6.adoc[version 0.6] and is now in a file named link:OmniSpecification-v0.6.adoc[OmniSpecification-v0.6.adoc]. (Previously it was in this README.)

== Contributing

To contribute to the Specification, you can:

== Omni Documentation Repository

Please see the[Omni Layer Documentation] repository for additional Omni documentation and for[Omni Layer Enhancement proposals] (OLEs).