Omphemetse-ops / P1_DataSciences

This data science project focuses on leveraging predictive modeling techniques to forecast sales trends and optimize business strategies. By analyzing historical sales data and external factors influencing sales performance, this project aims to provide actionable insights for enhancing revenue generation and improving decision-making processes.
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P1_DataSciences: Sales Prediction

This data science project focuses on leveraging predictive modeling techniques to forecast sales trends and optimize business strategies. By analyzing historical sales data and external factors influencing sales performance, this project aims to provide actionable insights for enhancing revenue generation and improving decision-making processes.

Problem Statement:

Determining the most effective advertising platform for driving sales involving analyzing various factors such as the reach and engagement levels of each platform, the target audience, and the overall cost-effectiveness of advertising on TV versus radio. By evaluating these factors, businesses can make informed decisions on where to allocate their advertising budget to maximize sales and enhance their Return on investment (ROI).


Use machine learning techniques to analyze historical data on ad spend and sales performance to predict future sales and identify which platform is more influential in driving sales, aiding in strategic decision-making and optimizing advertising budget allocation.

Stages Progress:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Newspaper with Outliers: alt text

Part 3:

Exploratory Data Analysis: INSIGHT


(Newspaper) alt text


Monitoring this distribution can help assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of TV advertising strategies.

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Relationship between Advertising and Sales

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Generated Sales from TV advertising

Based on the the results above, the relationship of sales to TV indicates that there appears to be a positive correlation between the two variables. As TV advertising expenditure increases, sales also tend to increase, indicating a potential relationship where higher advertising investments may lead to higher sales outcomes.

This trend suggests that TV advertising could be a driving factor in boosting sales performance and that further exploration and optimization of advertising strategies may yield positive results for the sales metrics.

Generated Sales from Radio and Newspaer advertising

Radio and Newspaper relationship with sales, indicates a lack of clear direction due to the dispersed spread of data points across the plot. This suggests that there may not be a strong and consistent relationship between the amount spent on Radio and Newspaper advertising and sales generated. The wide distribution of data points may indicate that other factors beyond Radio and Newspaper advertising expenditure play a significant role in influencing sales. further analysis and consideration of additional variables are warranted to better understand the factors impacting sales in this scenario.


While radio advertising may require some adjustments to improve its performance, the potential shown by TV advertisements indicates that it can be a strong driver of success. However, with further refinement, the radio channel has the potential to challenge TV in terms of effectiveness, making it a viable option for consideration alongside TV advertising for the business.

Additionally, our analysis suggests that spending less on newspaper advertising could be a strategic move to allocate resources more efficiently and capitalize on the strengths of TV and radio campaigns.


mean squared error (MSE):
