OnPurple / style-library

Global styles for Purple
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Purple Style Library

Global style library for Purple. Please see the Design system figma on how these styles are implemented

:warning: DO NOT push directly to the release branch!! Branch off main and request a PR. Disable branch protections before running the actions, then add the branch prtections again when the action is done



npm i git+ssh://git@github.com/OnPurple/style-library.git#release


npm rm @purple/style-library && npm i OnPurple/style-library#release

How to get the global styles

@import 'node_modules/@purple/style-library/dist/global'

Using mixins in your SCSS files

Please make sure the global styles are on the page before using the mixins. Otheriwse they will be styled incorrectly. This is an optional import.

@import 'node_modules/@purple/style-library/sass/base/_base'

You can also import specific files in the sass directory for a more granular approach.

Font Families and icons

Fonts and Icons are hosted on Drupal.

Project Structure


SASS variables for configuring mixins. This direcoty shouldn't change that much


SASS files containing utitliy classes for creating components


Contains common mixins


Helper mixins. These mixins can be used, but are also used in the mixins defined in the mixins directory


Defines the global CSS variables

Local Development

npm run lint # lint SCSS

The GH actions workflow will build and push to the release branch


Do not add styles that are specific to a project