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Title hierarchy fixes #12

Closed bgsmase closed 3 years ago

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

Addresses #8 .

This doesn't necessarily make the structure correct but it makes the hierarchy of sections of the current document get reflected in the collapsible contents list in the left-hand bar so it will be easier to do further changes later.

It is relevant for #6 although not fixing it as it makes some of the example data sections appear in the left-hand contents list.

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

Looks better.

One nesting issue I can see for fixing later is http://.../providingdata.html#layer-coverage-feature-metadata should be a child of http://.../providingdata.html#onegeology-profile

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

Not sure if Move server software sections inside web services is working quite as described. on LHS menu, the Using [software name] sections are not showing inside web services

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

@nmtoken I think you may be building from the master branch instead of the temp/title_hierarchy_fixes branch which is the one that is being requested to merge in to master in this pull request.

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

Or you may need to do a make clean before make html if you built from different branch before as sometimes just new pages get regenerated but not the hierarchy if the other pages haven't been changed.

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

Looks like you're correct, I can see looking at the raw code that those changes have been made, I thought I had the temp/title_hierarchy_fixes branch, but have gone wrong somewhere

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

Have it now. definitely better. GeoSciML nested under OneGeology profile is not correct though; not sure where that content should go. Possibly, Level 2 involvement with OneGeology web services?

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

I agree about the GeoSciML section which has been taken from the main web site pages. I propose to merge this now anyway so the structure is clearer and then we can discuss further reorganisation after that.