OneGeology / documentation

OneGeology Documentation
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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OneGeology documentation for users and service providers.

The source files in this repository are used to build documentation for OneGeology users and service providers which is published to

Source files are written in reStructuredText and built into HTML pages using the Sphinx documentation generator with the Read the Docs theme.

Some of the reStructuredText was converted from pre-existing HTML files using pandoc as below:

pandoc --extract-media=appendixb -s -t rst -o appendixb.rst

Building the documentation locally

If you have Docker installed you can use the example Dockerfile.sphinx to build the documentation locally.

# To build the container
docker build -f Dockerfile.sphinx -t sphinxrtd .

# To build the documentation using the built container
cd docs
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/docs sphinxrtd make html

Otherwise you should follow the Sphinx documentation to set up a local build system and then add the sphinx_rtd_theme.

Publication of changes to main site

The source reStructuredText files are transformed using Sphinx via Gitub Actions CI/CD to web pages hosted on GitHub pages. When changes are merged into the master branch the GitHub Actions configured in .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml create the content of the gh-pages branch.

Process for initial set up of publishing workflow