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Document where GeoServer puts metadata entered in GUI in GetCapabilities responses #13

Open bgsmase opened 3 years ago

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

The different bits of text entered in service setup GUI sections get put into different parts of the GetCapabilities response for different services and versions. Need to document this behaviour so we know what goes where.

This may lead to recommendations for what is most important and what to put where for 1G documentation and possible edits to GeoServer documentation itself?

Will need to note version against which last checked.

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

Notes on position as last checked around Dec 2018 .

The "Address Delivery Point" doesn't appear in WMS 1.3.0 capabilities. The Address Type and Address don't appear in WFS 2.0.0 capabilities (or 1.1.0, hardly anything in 1.0.0). WCS 2.0.1 doesn't include Address Type or Address Delivery Point and puts Address in DeliveryPoint element. WCS 1.0.0 doesn't include "Address Delivery Point" and concatenates Address Type and Address into deliveryPoint element.

The maintainer field doesn't seem to be included in WMS Capabilities response. Title goes into Service/Title and root Layer/Title, Abstract goes into Service/Abstract and root Layer/Abstract. However, testing v2.14.1 there were separate boxes for Root Layer Info Title and Abstract so that must have changed at some version. Fees and Access Constraints got into Service/Fees and Service/AccessConstraints. Online Resource goes into Service/OnlineResource. Keywords go into Service/KeywordList

I've checked WMS 1.3.0, WFS 2.0.0 and WCS 1.0.0 and WCS 2.0.0 for whether the Service title, Service abstract, Fees, Access constraints, Keywords and Online resource OneGeology profile sections are actually populated by the relevant service GUI page fields. WMS 1.3.0 yes. WFS 2.0.0 the online resource doesn't seem to get used and nothing shown. WCS 1.0.0 yes where relevant element available. WCS 2.0.1 yes except online resource which doesn't go into ows:ProviderSite or ows:ContactInfo/ows:OnlineResource (not sure why both these elements exist).

Need to check exactly how the bounding box and coordinate reference information affect the /WMS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/Layer/EX_GeographicBoundingBox, /WMS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/Layer/BoundingBox and /WMS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/Layer/CRS content.