OneIdentity / IdentityManager.Imx

HTML5 source code for Identity Manager web apps
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Captcha #141

Closed lmd01gh closed 3 months ago

lmd01gh commented 4 months ago

Please, Can anyone give us an insight on how the captcha procedure works and how can we integrate it in our custom projects?

Thanks a lot.

hannoquest commented 4 months ago

Hi, The built-in Captcha component consists of two parts:

You will need to pass the Captcha code to the API call, and verify it on the server like this:

        public async Task VerifyAsync(IRequest request, string captchaCode, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var errorMessage = await request.MethodSet.Services.Resolve<ICaptchaValidator>().ValidateAsync(captchaCode, null, request, ct)
            if (errorMessage != null)
                throw new ViException(errorMessage, ExceptionRelevance.EndUser); // captcha test failed
            // captcha test passed

If you want to provide some more information around your use case I can provide more guidance.

lmd01gh commented 4 months ago


In our custom project we use FixedCredentials stored in the web.config file. The user can request a pin code filling the username and a recovery methods. Besides, the user have to verify a captcha to continue and modify the password.

In a client-side Angular, we use component imx-captcha, but in the server-side we don't Know to validate the user input.

As you indicate we need pass the Captcha code to our API custom, but I have some doubts:

1) to which Irequest refers?

2) In your project (passcode-login.component.ts) you use this API call to set the CAPTCHA on the server side await this.qerApiService.client.passwordreset_passwordquestions_account_post({ AccountName: this.userName, Code: resp });

Could you tell me how you do that validation on the server side?

I really appreciate your help.

hannoquest commented 4 months ago

Hi @lmd01gh You need to write an API method that the client can call (similar to passwordreset/passwordquestions/account). The client needs to call this method with a payload that contains both

Write the API method to first call VerifyAsync (as above). IRequest is the general interface for an API request; this is passed as a parameter into the API method. I'd suggest to look at the API Sample code if you haven't already.

lmd01gh commented 4 months ago

Hi Hanno,

I've created the method "VerificarCaptcha" in the client-side. This method pass the captcha code to API method:

public async VerificarCaptcha() { const resp = this.captchaSvc.Response; this.captchaSvc.Response = "";
var respuesta= await this._v3Client.Customeprinsa_CCC_CompruebaCaptcha_get({Codigo:resp}) console.log(respuesta); }

In my Custom API, I've created the API method "CCC_CompruebaCaptcha" to verify it, calling to the script that you said me, but I obtain always the error: "El codigo introducido es incorrecto"

public class APIEprinsaCustom : IApiProviderFor<Customeprinsa>

          .WithParameter("Codigo", typeof(string))
          .HandleGet(async qr =>

              var captcha = qr.Parameters.Get<string>("Codigo");
              return await VerifyAsync(qr, captcha);


        public async Task<string> VerifyAsync(IRequest request, string captchaCode, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var errorMessage = await request.MethodSet.Services.Resolve<ICaptchaValidator>().ValidateAsync(captchaCode, null, request, ct)
            if (errorMessage != null)
                return "1";


                return "0";


Could you please advice on how to solve this? What am I missing?

Thanks for your help and your time. Regards, Laura.

hannoquest commented 4 months ago

Hi @lmd01gh

I do not see any obvious problems with the code. Check if the URL of the API request to CCC_CompruebaCaptcha contains the captcha code as expected.

lmd01gh commented 4 months ago


The scenario is:

1) My custom project use FixedCredential stored in the webconfig.file 2) If I use the swagger interface, calling to Customeprinsa/CCC_Compruebacaptcha (code) -> The captcha is verified correctly 2) If I use Postman (API platform), calling to Customeprinsa/CCC_Compruebacaptcha(code) -> the captcha is not verified

Is there to use some extra authenticacion, cookie, session variable or whatever that I have to use from side-client?

hannoquest commented 4 months ago

Hi @lmd01gh,

That is good information to have. One of the differences between the Swagger and Postman interfaces is the XSRF support. Postman does not submit the XSRF protection header value, because it does not know that it should do so.

Assuming this is what is happening, you now have a couple of options:

lmd01gh commented 4 months ago


At the end of the day, I'll have to use it from our generated typedclient. I tested it from Postman in case help me with the error in the validation.

The project uses fixed credentials as I mencionated. Could be the source of the error? Could be I missing something neccesary to verify captcha?

Thank you.

lmd01gh commented 3 months ago

Hi Hanno,

I solved the problem. Thank you for your help.