OneIdentity / IdentityManager.Imx

HTML5 source code for Identity Manager web apps
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Identity Manager HTML5 applications

Change log

May 24, 2024

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

May 6, 2024

We are integrating Compodoc to provide Angular documentation for our components. Please see the Documentation section for more information on how to generate documentation.

The package versions have been updated to 9.2.1.

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

Important: Integrating these changes will require a server-side hotfix for the issue 454356 to be installed if the server has not been upgraded to 9.2.1.

March 11, 2024

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

February 28, 2024

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

January 16, 2024

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

December 12, 2023

December 7, 2023

The v92 branch has been updated with fixes for the following issues.

October 20, 2023

October 15, 2022

September 27, 2022

July 29, 2022

June 7, 2022

May 2, 2022

The repository has been updated with the code changes for the Identity Manager 8.2.1 release.

About the repository

This repository contains the source code for the HTML5 applications contained in Identity Manager.

It is a monorepo containing the Angular workspace, which consists of apps and libraries.

We strongly recommend to read the HTML Development Guide before starting to work with the code in this repository.

By forking this repository, you may create customized versions of the projects and add them to your Identity Manager deployment.

Workspace overview

Each Angular library and app belongs to a folder in the projects directory. The workspace is defined in the angular.json file.

Angular libraries

Name Type Dependencies inside the workspace
qbm Angular library none
qer Angular library qbm
tsb Angular plugin library qbm, qer
att Angular plugin library qbm, qer
rms Angular plugin library qbm, qer
rps Angular plugin library qbm, qer
aad Angular plugin library qbm, qer, tsb
aob Angular plugin library qbm, qer
uci Angular plugin library qbm, qer
cpl Angular plugin library qbm, qer
hds Angular plugin library qbm, qer
dpr Angular plugin library qbm
o3t Angular plugin library qbm, qer, tsb
olg Angular plugin library qbm, qer
pol Angular plugin library qbm, qer

Each Angular library belongs to the Identity Manager module of the same name. You do not need to build Angular libraries for modules that are not part of your Identity Manager installation.

A (non-plugin) library acts like a regular compile-time dependency. A plugin library is loaded dynamically at runtime, as determined by each plugin's imx-plugin-config.json file.

For more information about each project, see the files in each project's folder.

Angular apps

Name Description Project type Static dependencies
qbm-app-landingpage API Server landing page and Server Administration Angular app qbm
qer-app-portal Portal Angular app qbm, qer
qer-app-operationssupport Operations Support Portal Angular app qbm, qer
qer-app-pwdportal Password Reset Portal Angular app qbm, qer
custom-app Template for custom applications Angular app qbm

Installing Node.js

Verify that you have installed a compatible node.js version for your branch. The version used by the CI build is defined in the .github/workflows/npm-build.yml file in the node-version property. Other versions of node.js, including newer versions, are not guaranteed to be compatible with other Angular versions. Please see the version compatibility table on the official Angular site.


To install the required dependencies, run npm install in the root folder of the workspace.

To build any library or app, run npm build <name>. Note that you must build each library in the correct order; along with any plugins that you want to include. For example, to build qer-app-portal, you need to build at least the following in this order:

Customizing libraries

When changing the code of a library, you will need to build and deploy customized versions of all the apps that should use the customized versions. For example, changing qer will require that you also compile qer-app-portal, qer-app-operationssupport and qer-app-pwdportal because all of these apps include qbm.

When changing the code of a plugin library, you will need to build and deploy customized versions of the plugin library itself, and all plugin libraries depending on it. For example, changing tsb will require that you also compile aad and o3t because these plugins include tsb.


Running and debugging web applications is possible using the default tools of the Angular CLI toolchain. For example, you can use ng serve qer-app-portal to debug the Portal app.

You will need an API Server instance that the web applications will connect to. You can host an API Server locally for development purposes. Run the following command on the command line:

imxclient.exe run-apiserver -B

The web apps will connect to the API Server using the URL defined in the application's environment.ts file. The default setting is http://localhost:8182 which is the default URL that a local API Server will run on.

Getting started

Please refer to the HTML Development Guide for step-by-step instructions on getting started.

Branches and Update Policy

The following table shows the branches in this repository corresponding to each product version.

Branch Product version Angular version
v92 Identity Manager 9.2.x 14
v91 Identity Manager 9.1.x 13
v90 Identity Manager 9.0 13
v82 Identity Manager 8.2.x 11
master The master branch does not correspond to a supported version of Identity Manager. Do not use this branch for development purposes.

Please also see the version compatibility table.

We plan to push updates for each minor and major product release, allowing developers to track source code changes from one version to the next. Occasionally we may also publish important bug fixes.

Step-by-step guides


There are two ways to install the documentation locally. The result will be stored in \imxweb\documentation\.

1. Using Compodoc (preferred)

  1. Install the Compodoc package globally by running npm install -g @compodoc/compodoc.
  2. Navigate to the library to create documentation for (e.g. imxweb\projects\qer).
  3. Run compodoc -p tsconfig.lib.json for a library or compodoc -p for an application.

2. Using npm only

This method only works for qbm, qer and the applications.

  1. Navigate to imxweb.
  2. run npm run doc:<projectname>


We welcome and appreciate contributions. Here's how you can open a pull request to submit code changes.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a pull request


Distributed under the One Identity - Open Source License. See LICENSE for more information.