OneIdentity / IdentityManager.Imx

HTML5 source code for Identity Manager web apps
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Console message: [DOM] Password field is not contained in a form #149

Closed NielsDeGroot closed 3 weeks ago

NielsDeGroot commented 3 weeks ago

This message is shown in Chrome [DOM] Password field is not contained in a form: (More info: <input _ngcontent-ack-c450 class=​"imx-login-input ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" data-imx-identifier=​"login-input-password" type=​"Password" placeholder=​"Password">​


When I wrap the 'input' in a 'form' and explicitly set the name attribute then the message goes away:

     _<div [hidden]="selectedConfigProvider?.isOAuth2" *ngFor="let authProp of selectedConfigProvider?.authProps" class="imx-loginInput">
  "login-input-{{ }}"

Any thoughts on what this message exactly implies in the first place, and why this is left the way it is in the project?

Thank you, Niels

Mathnstein commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @NielsDeGroot - nope I think the form wrapper is probably needed and just missing. Good catch!

Mathnstein commented 3 weeks ago

Created an internal ticket: 457721