OneZoom / tours

scripts for populating the OneZoom database with tour data
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OneZoom Tours

Tour JSON documents that can be inserted into an instance's database.

The JSON format is described in

Uploading tours

You can insert a single tour or multiple tours into a OneZoom instance with the script:

./ http://localhost:8000/ *.json

You can also use CURL directly:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin \
    http://localhost:8000/tour/data.json/edge_species \
    -d @edge_species.json

Fetch it back again with:

curl http://localhost:8000/tour/data.json/edge_species

Or as HTML with:

curl http://localhost:8000/tour/data.html/edge_species

Adding bespoke images / audio to tours

  1. Add the source image to this repository, in a directory with the same name as your tour. Note that it's filename will be used as an alt tag (with _ replaced with " "), so a descriptive name is sensible.
  2. Next to the image, add a .md file which at least contains a link to your image and the source of the image, e.g:
[![Various frogs and toads](Various_frogs_and_toads.jpeg)](

* *source*:

Commit and push to github. You can now refer to it in a tour with "frogs/Various_frogs_and_toads.jpeg", e.g.

Playing a tour

Once uploaded you can trigger a tour manually in the javascript console with:


Or trigger it on load (although be warned that autoplaying will not trigger before a click):


Creating a user to add tours via.

See the Creating auth users & groups section of README.markdown

Summary being:

Then use the username / password with the curl command above.

Other documentation

Licensing of tours material for reuse.