Onique-Unique / Applicant-Tracking-System-Scanner

Created a Free to use Applicant Tracking System Scanner to optimize Resume to match a Job Description
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Created a Free to use Applicant Tracking System Scanner to optimize Resume to match a Job Description

Every industry is in the hunt for sourcing and attaining Top Talent in each field, Finding the best qualified Candidate is a hard task for any Hiring and Recruiting personnel so....

I created this ATS Scanner to assist with optimizing resumes when applying for job vacancies that Top Candidates are interested in. Many major companies nowadays use ATS to source the best candidates for their Company, However the downside is, are they really finding the best candidate or just someone clever enough to bypass their AI technology and get to the desk of the Hiring Manager?.. Well....... For me i believe its a little bit of both.. Top Talent will always try to get themselves to the top of the pile when Job Hunting, And what best way can you showcase that?.. Is by one... Beating the (ATS) Applicant Tracking System.

Using ATS Scanners online for awhile, i was always intrigued on the backend of how these systems actually work and if it can be replicated into python programming. It is clearly evident now that it is possible to create an ATS Scanner using python and now the best part is; It is ABSOLUTELY FREE.... No more having to purchase online subscriptions to use ATS Scanners online, I now have created my own and made my code available to you. Enjoy!!

p.s Newly Updated, This ATS Program now is in sync with Web Automation scripts that is able to Open Web Browser - Chrome, Utilizing a Free Online ATS Resume Scanner and Automate the entry fields, filling in resume input box compare to job description input box to get more in-depth insights and a secondary opinion regarding how well your resume matches a job description.

Within this program you will be able to:

Import and Convert PDF File to Docx

Import and Convert Docx File to txt

Save Converted Files to system

ATS resume Scanner

This program has the following:

Comparing resume to a Job Description

Retrieve Similarity score between resume and Job Description

A resume match percentage and an optimised score percentage

Retrieve Keyword differences between resume and Job Description

An Industry Score out of 10 for how well your resume fits an industry

Ability to outsource additional reference score to compare via an Automated web browser using Selenium

ATS resume Scanner 2 ATS resume Scanner 3 ATS resume Scanner 4

Using this program you will be able to Find the correct Keywords needed for your resume to be a highly considered candidate.