OnkelDagobert / Last_Resistance

NS2 Mod
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Change Team assignment (Ready Room) #3

Closed OnkelDagobert closed 11 years ago

OnkelDagobert commented 11 years ago

Let no one choose Marine/Human till Team Alien has at least 1 player. Max. 2 Aliens at roundstart After round-start only Team Alien is available in the Ready Room

OnkelDagobert commented 11 years ago

ok my idea: no readyroom at mapstart. everyone spawns directly as Marine -> after a short warmuptime round starts with no aliens -> Tag Mode to choose Alien or to volunteer press F4 -> with 1 alien: ff off; game continues without restart; score counter is starting

if all player are Aliens round restarts and Tag mode is on again.

MetaMind09 commented 11 years ago

too bad, i kinda liked the rdyroom :P there you can put some stuff like music and other things in it. It would be great if the palyer on server join gets spawned in rdyroom, further on he will spawns allways in the map.

I would go for tag mode but I dont know how difficult this is to code, F4 option isnt bad either at this stage.

OnkelDagobert commented 11 years ago

ok then rdy room will stay, but will take only 1 Alien. if the round starts then and there is still no alien tag mode begins. After that no more forced rdy room.