OnkelDagobert / Last_Resistance

NS2 Mod
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Last Resistance

This is an entirely new gamemode for Natural Selection 2.
The basic idea is:

Every player starts as marine, except one guy that is going alien (random slection)
All marines are fighting as a team.
The marine weapons are placed all around the map.
If the alien kill a marine, he will mutate to an alien, until all marines are killed and mutated to an alien.
Goal: Marines get points per second they survived as marine, the one with highest score wins

Install Server mod

subscribe http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=115054220
add -mods "6db968c" to the Command-line parameters.
(e.g.: Server.exe -name SERVERNAME -map ns2_tram -limit 16 -mods "6db968c" )
add "mods": [ "6db968c" ] to the file "MapCycle.json"
(see http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/index.php/Dedicated_Server#Map_Rotation)

More Info


Current Version

Vers.: Beta 0.8.1

Features right now: