OnkelDagobert / Last_Resistance

NS2 Mod
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Unlocking Equipment/Upgrades/Classes(Alien) on a certain TeamPlayer percentage scalar #6

Open MetaMind09 opened 11 years ago

MetaMind09 commented 11 years ago

present state: Teams get there equip/upgrades through purchasing and researching them via the credit system. A Commander is still needed for that.

desired state: equip/upgrades will get unlocked when a certain TeamPlayer-percentage mark has been hit. expl:

90% Marines - 10% Aliens

Aliens: Aliens have all upgrades (exept cloaking and blink) + all class evolvings are enabled (ecept onos), one onos egg will be spawnt randomly around the map

Marines: only spawn with a pistol (or axe ^^ just joking)

70% Marines - 30 % Aliens:

Aliens: Evolving gets more expensive (only skulk, gorge, lerk, fade), regen + Xenocide upgrades has been disabled

Marines: have now the pulserifle to defend

40%Marines - 60 % Aliens:

Aliens: Evolving gets more expensive (only skulk,gorge,lerk), celerity has been disabled

Marines: WeaponLevel 1 engaged, Shotgun,Flamethrower, welders researched, 1 normal-Exo spawinging at random armory

30% Marines - 70% Aliens:

Aliens: Evolving gets more expensive(only Skulk, Gorge), Carapace, ADrenaline has been disabled

Marines: WeaponLevel 2 engaged, ArmorLevel 1 engaged, Grenade Launcher

10% Marines - 90% ALiens:

Aliens: only lifeform: Skulk, All upgrades has been disabled (except Leap)

Marines: WeaponLevel 3 engaged, Armor Level 2 engaged, Jetpacks reserached, 1 dualexo spawn at random armory


Ok thats about it, plz tell me what you think :P

Andi-Materie commented 11 years ago

Well, i like the basic idea of the percantage mark, but i guess ppl get confused if weapons or classes get disabled.

Instead of changing weapons and classes, i would prefer to change for instance the alienhealth (200 % hp). And i guess Skulks are strong enough! (fade = overkill). Just think about it, humans spawn random all over the map and are alone. Should be easy to get one or two, even for a Skulk.

At first, we should keep it simple, for example, random weaponspawns and do some alpha/beta tests to evaluate the balance.

"percentage mark triggers have to be global, to get other things like music and map events possible " love the idea when the music changes if there are 2-3 humans left =)

MetaMind09 commented 11 years ago

yeah had the same idea with adjusting the alien health on my first brainstorming but i kinda like the experience when the weapon level gets unlocked further and further on (just like in vanilla ns2 with gui and sound notification :)

Getting the Armorys adjusting to mutation scalar shouldnt be that difficult coz its allways unlocking things not like on the alien side disabling things.