OoMrFlibble / oolite-debug-console-flibble-mad-alpha

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$\textsf{\Large{Introducing version 3 of the }}$
$\textsf{\huge{\color{red}Oo\color{white}lite \color{red}D\color{white}ebug \color{red}C\color{white}onsole}}$

Oolite Debug Console... Oo.D.C... Oodyssey?

unstable alpha

This is version three, it's got more "Oo", and it's very close to beta.

If anyone knows what's stopping the Mac version working, please let me know. See issue #11

FWIW the pySimpleConsole works on MacOS as does v2, which is why I'm so baffled that this one doesn't.

The main program is OoDC.py

To run from source on Ubuntu etc. this might be the incantation you require.

apt install python3-tk
python3 -m pip install -U --user click
python3 -m pip install -U --user twisted
python3 OoDC.py -h

$\textsf{\Large{\color{red}Oo\color{white}lite \color{red}D\color{white}ebug \color{red}C\color{white}onsole}}$