Open-EO / openeo-geotrellis-extensions

Java/Scala extensions for Geotrellis, for use with OpenEO GeoPySpark backend.
Apache License 2.0
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Netcdf multiple samples a day #268

Closed EmileSonneveld closed 4 months ago

EmileSonneveld commented 4 months ago

For tiff and netcdf. When saving the tiles, we usually round the date to daily resolution. Now, when there is a date that does not exactly match midnight, we assume the temporal resolution is higher, and we save the results with seconds in resolution.

For tiff export, the ':' in the date part is replaced with '-', to avoid problems on Windows file systems: Example openEO_2017-01-01T01-00-00Z.tif

I used ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME in the filename. Following an example I found in geotiff/package.scale