Open-EO / openeo-geotrellis-extensions

Java/Scala extensions for Geotrellis, for use with OpenEO GeoPySpark backend.
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

openEO processes based on Geotrellis


This library implements openEO processes using the Geotrellis Spark API. It is used in combination with to provide a complete openEO backend.

Releasing new major version

Setup clean local git repository with up to date develop and master branch. Ensure git flow plugin is installed.

  1. Ensure dev branch is in a proper state.
  2. Freeze development on dev branch
  3. Start release branch: git flow release start 1.6.0-RC1
  4. Update develop branch versions:
    • 'git checkout develop'
    • 'mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
    • 'git add pom.xml */pom.xml'
    • 'git commit && git push'
    • Now development can safely continue.
  5. Update dependencies in release branch to non-SNAPSHOT versions.
  6. Make sure release branch builds without problems (failing tests) and commit.
  7. Finish release branch: 'git flow release finish '1.6.0-RC1''
  8. Push to git, in (VITO) Jenkins this will trigger a build. Release this build