Open3DA / LL3DA

[CVPR 2024] "LL3DA: Visual Interactive Instruction Tuning for Omni-3D Understanding, Reasoning, and Planning"; an interactive Large Language 3D Assistant.
MIT License
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3d 3d-models 3d-to-text cvpr2024 gpt instruction-tuning language-model llm multi-modal scene-understanding

Official repo for LL3DA

LL3DA: Visual Interactive Instruction Tuning for Omni-3D Understanding, Reasoning, and Planning

💻Project Page📄Arxiv Paper🎞YouTube • 🤗HuggingFace Demo (WIP) • Citation


🏃 Intro LL3DA

LL3DA is a Large Language 3D Assistant that could respond to both visual and textual interactions within complex 3D environments.

Recent advances in Large Multimodal Models (LMM) have made it possible for various applications in human-machine interactions. However, developing LMMs that can comprehend, reason, and plan in complex and diverse 3D environments remains a challenging topic, especially considering the demand for understanding permutation-invariant point cloud 3D representations of the 3D scene. Existing works seek help from multi-view images, and project 2D features to 3D space as 3D scene representations. This, however, leads to huge computational overhead and performance degradation. In this paper, we present LL3DA, a Large Language 3D Assistant that takes point cloud as direct input and respond to both textual-instructions and visual-prompts. This help LMMs better comprehend human interactions and further help to remove the ambiguities in cluttered 3D scenes. Experiments show that LL3DA achieves remarkable results, and surpasses various 3D vision-language models on both 3D Dense Captioning and 3D Question Answering.


🚩 News

  • 2024-03-04. 💥 The code is fully released! Now you can train your customized models!
  • 2024-02-27. 🎉 LL3DA is accepted by CVPR 2024! See you in Seattle!
  • 2023-11-30. 📣 Upload paper and init project


  • [x] Upload our paper to arXiv and build project pages.
  • [x] Pray for acceptance.
  • [x] Upload all the code and training scripts.
  • [ ] Add support for training with larger LLM backends (~7B or above).
  • [ ] Add local demo interface.
  • [ ] Release pre-trained weights.
  • [ ] Train on larger 3D VL benchmarks and scale up models.

⚡ Quick Start

Environment Setup **Step 1. Build Dependencies.** Our code is tested with CUDA 11.6 and Python 3.8.16. To run the codes, you should first install the following packages: ``` h5py scipy cython plyfile 'trimesh>=2.35.39,<2.35.40' 'networkx>=2.2,<2.3' 'torch=1.13.1+cu116' 'transformers>=4.37.0' ``` After that, build the `pointnet2` and accelerated `giou` from source: ```{bash} cd third_party/pointnet2 python install ``` ```{bash} cd utils python build_ext --inplace ``` **Step 2. Download pre-trained embeddings.** Download the pre-processed BERT embedding weights from [huggingface]( and store them under the [`./bert-base-embedding`](./bert-base-embedding) folder. The weights are **the same** from the official BERT model, we just modified the names of certain parameters.
Data Preparation Our repo requires the 3D data from ScanNet, the natural language annotations, and the pre-trained LLM weights. **Step 1. Download and Prepare the ScanNet 3D Data.** **Updates 2024-07-01:** You can download the pre-processed data from [here]( 1. Follow the instructions [here]( and download the ScanNetV2 dataset. 2. Change the `SCANNET_DIR` to the scans folder in [`data/scannet/`](, and run the following commands. ```{bash} cd data/scannet/ python ``` **Step 2. Prepare Language Annotations** To train the model, you are required to prepare language annotations from `ScanRefer`, `Nr3D`, `ScanQA`, and the ScanNet part of `3D-LLM`. 1. `ScanRefer`. Follow the commands [here]( to download the `ScanRefer` dataset. 2. `Nr3D`. Follow the commands [here]( to download the `Nr3D` dataset, and [pre-process]( it. 3. `ScanQA`. Follow the commands [here]( to download the `ScanQA` dataset. 4. `3D-LLM`. The data are located at [here](./data/3D_LLM). We have also shared our pre-processing scripts [here](./data/3D_LLM/ We will update the latest released data (V3) from 3D-LLM. Finally, organize the files into the following folders: ``` ./data/ ScanRefer/ ScanRefer_filtered_train.json ScanRefer_filtered_train.txt ScanRefer_filtered_val.json ScanRefer_filtered_val.txt Nr3D/ nr3d_train.json nr3d_train.txt nr3d_val.json nr3d_val.txt ScanQA/ ScanQA_v1.0_test_w_obj.json ScanQA_v1.0_test_wo_obj.json ScanQA_v1.0_train.json ScanQA_v1.0_val.json 3D_LLM/ 3d_llm_embodied_dialogue_filtered_train.json 3d_llm_embodied_dialogue_filtered_val.json 3d_llm_embodied_planning_filtered_train.json 3d_llm_embodied_planning_filtered_val.json 3d_llm_scene_description_train.json 3d_llm_scene_description_val.json ``` **Step 3. \[Optional\] Download Pre-trained LLM weights.** If your server has no trouble auto-downloading weights from huggingface🤗, feel free to skip this step. Download files from the `opt-1.3b` checkpoint (or any other decoder-only LLM) at [huggingface](, and store them under the `./facebook/opt-1.3b` directory. Make sure the required files are downloaded: ``` ./facebook/opt-1.3b/ config.json merges.txt pytorch_model.bin special_tokens_map.json tokenizer_config.json vocab.json ```

💻 Train your own models

Updates 2024-07-01: The released version is slightly different from our paper implementation. In our released version, we standardized the data format and dropped duplicated text annotations. To reproduce our reported results, please use the scripts provided in scripts-v0 to produce the generalist weights.

bash scripts-v0/opt-1.3b/

Our code should support any decoder-only LLMs (facebook/opt-1.3b, gpt2-xl, meta-llama/Llama-2-7b or even the LATEST Qwen/Qwen1.5-1.8B and Qwen/Qwen1.5-4B). Check out the following table for recommended LLMs in different scales! By default, the models are trained with eight GPUs.

<1B 1B-4B ~7B
gpt2(124m) TinyLlama-1.1B(1.1b) facebook/opt-6.7b(6.7b)
facebook/opt-125m(125m) facebook/opt-1.3b(1.3b) meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf(6.7b)
gpt2-medium(355m) gpt2-xl(1.6b) Qwen/Qwen1.5-7B(7.7b)
Qwen/Qwen1.5-0.5B(620m) Qwen/Qwen1.5-1.8B(1.8b) -
gpt2-large(774m) facebook/opt-2.7b(2.7b) -
- microsoft/phi-2(2.8b) -
- Qwen/Qwen1.5-4B(3.9b) -

We provide training scripts in the scripts folder with different LLM backends. Feel free to modify the hyper parameters in those commands.

For other LLM backends, please modify the commands manually by changing --vocab to other LLMs.

Training To train the model as a 3D generalist: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ``` After the model is trained, you can tune the model on ScanQA for 3D Question Answering: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ``` And, on ScanRefer / Nr3D for 3D Dense Captioning: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ``` You can also tune the model to predict bounding boxes for open vocabulary object detection! ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ```
Evaluation To evaluate the model as a 3D generalist: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ``` On ScanQA for 3D Question Answering: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ``` And, on ScanRefer / Nr3D for 3D Dense Captioning: ```{bash} bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ bash scripts/opt-1.3b/ ```

📖 Citation

If you find our code or paper helpful, please consider starring ⭐ us and citing:

    title={LL3DA: Visual Interactive Instruction Tuning for Omni-3D Understanding, Reasoning, and Planning}, 
    author={Sijin Chen and Xin Chen and Chi Zhang and Mingsheng Li and Gang Yu and Hao Fei and Hongyuan Zhu and Jiayuan Fan and Tao Chen},


Thanks to Vote2Cap-DETR, 3D-LLM, Scan2Cap, and 3DETR. We borrow some of their codes and data.


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE. If there are any problem regarding our paper and code, feel free to open an issue!