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Generate the minimum dependencies for a Python project based on the lower pins.
This package is available on PyPI. You can install it with pip:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install minimum-dependencies
can be used as a command line tool or as a library.
The manpage for the CLI tool is below:
.. code-block:: bash
$ minimum_dependencies --help
usage: minimum_deps [-h] [--filename FILENAME] [--extras [EXTRAS ...]] package
Generate the minimum requirements for a package based on the lower pins of its dependencies.
positional arguments:
package Name of the package to generate requirements for
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--filename FILENAME, -f FILENAME
Name of the file to write out
--extras [EXTRAS ...], -e [EXTRAS ...]
List of optional dependency sets to include
--fail Raise an error if pin is not present or not on PyPi.
For example, to generate the minimum dependencies for minimum_dependencies
.. code-block:: console
$ minimum_dependencies minimum_dependencies
Similarly, to generate this with some of its optional dependencies (test
and other
.. code-block:: console
$ minimum_dependencies minimum_dependencies --extras test other
.. note::
One can pass the ``--fail`` flag to raise an error if a pin is not present or not on PyPi.
If this flag is not passed, a warning will be issued and the pin will be set at the lowest
available on PyPi.
The library provides two public functions:
: takes a package name and returns a list of requirement strings.write
: takes a package name and a filename and writes the requirements to the file.For example, to generate the minimum dependencies for minimum_dependencies
.. code:: pycon
>>> import minimum_dependencies
>>> minimum_dependencies.create("minimum_dependencies")
['packaging==23.0\n', 'requests==2.25.0\n']
>>> minimum_dependencies.write(
... "minimum_dependencies", "requirements.txt"
... ) # writes the requirements to requirements.txt
One can also pass these methods a list of extras
(optional installs for the package) to
include in the requirements. For example, to generate the minimum dependencies for minimum_dependencies
with all its optional dependencies:
.. doctest-requires:: importlib_metadata .. code:: pycon
>>> import minimum_dependencies
>>> minimum_dependencies.create("minimum_dependencies", extras=["test", "testing_other"])
['importlib-metadata==4.11.4\n', 'packaging==23.0\n', 'requests==2.25.0\n',
'pytest==6.0.0\n', 'pytest-doctestplus==0.12.0\n', 'astropy[all]==5.0\n',
'numpy==1.20.0\n', 'scipy==1.6.0\n']
>>> minimum_dependencies.write(
... "minimum_dependencies", "requirements.txt", extras=["test", "other"]
... ) # writes the requirements to requirements.txt
.. note::
One can pass the argument ``fail=True`` to raise an error if a pin is not present or not on PyPi.
If if this is not passed, or ``False``, a warning will be issued and the pin will be set at the lowest
available version on PyPi.