OpenAutoCoder / Agentless

Agentless🐱: an agentless approach to automatically solve software development problems
MIT License
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agent artificial-intelligence llm software-development

😺 Agentless

😽News | 🐈Setup | 🙀Localization | 😼Repair | 🧶Comparison | 🐈‍⬛Artifacts | 📝Citation | 😻Acknowledgement

😽 News

😺 About

Agentless is an agentless approach to automatically solve software development problems. To solve each issue, Agentless follows a simple two phase process: localization and repair.

🐈 Setup

First create the environment

git clone
cd Agentless

conda create -n agentless python=3.11 
conda activate agentless
pip install -r requirements.txt
⏬ Developer Setup
```shell # for contribution, please install the pre-commit hook. pre-commit install # this allows a more standardized code style ```

Then export your OpenAI API key

export OPENAI_API_KEY={key_here}

Now you are ready to run Agentless on the problems in SWE-bench! We now go through a step-by-step example of how to run Agentless.


To reproduce the full SWE-bench lite experiments and follow our exact setup as described in the paper. Please see this README

🙀 Localization


For localization, you can use --target_id to specific a particular bug you want to target.

For example --target_id=django__django-11039

In localization, the goal is find the locations in source code where we need to edit to fix the issues. Agentless uses a 3-stage localization step to first localize to specific files, then to relevant code elements, and finally to fine-grained edit locations.


Since for each issue in the benchmark we need to checkout the repository and process the files, you might want to save some time by downloading the preprocessed data here:

After downloading, please unzip and export the location as such export PROJECT_FILE_LOC={folder which you saved}

Run the following command to generate the edit locations:

mkdir results # where we will save our results
python agentless/fl/ --file_level --related_level --fine_grain_line_level \
                                --output_folder results/location --top_n 3 \
                                --compress \

This will save all the localized locations in results/location/loc_outputs.jsonl with the logs saved in results/location/localize.log

⏬ Structure of `loc_outputs.jsonl` :: click to expand ::
- `instance_id`: task ID of the issue - `found_files`: list of files localized by the model - `additional_artifact_loc_file`: raw output of the model during file-level localization - `file_traj`: trajectory of the model during file-level localization (e.g., \# of tokens) - `found_related_locs`: list of relevant code elements localized by the model - `additional_artifact_loc_related`: raw output of the model during relevant-code-level localization - `related_loc_traj`: trajectory of the model during relevant-code-level localization - `found_edit_locs`: list of edit locations localized by the model - `additional_artifact_loc_edit_location`: raw output of the model during edit-location-level localization - `edit_loc_traj`: trajectory of the model during edit-location-level localization
🙀 Individual localization steps :: click to perform the individual localization step ::
#### Localize to files We first start by localization to specific files ```shell mkdir results # where we will save our results python agentless/fl/ --file_level --output_folder results/file_level ``` This command saves the file-level localization in `results/file_level/loc_outputs.jsonl`, you can also check `results/file_level/localize.log` for detailed logs #### Localize to related elements Next, we localize to related elements within each of the files we localize ```shell python agentless/fl/ --related_level \ --output_folder results/related_level \ --start_file results/file_level/loc_outputs.jsonl \ --top_n 3 --compress ``` Here the `--start_file` refers to the previous file-level localization. `--top_n` argument indicates the number of files we want to consider. Similar to the previous stage, this command saves the related-element localization in `results/related_level/loc_outputs.jsonl`, with logs in `results/related_level/localize.log` #### Localize to edit locations Finally, we take the related elements from the previous step and localize to the edit locations we want the LLM to generate patches for ```shell python agentless/fl/ --fine_grain_line_level \ --output_folder results/edit_location \ --start_file results/related_level/loc_outputs.jsonl \ --top_n 3 --context_window=10 ``` Here the `--start_file` refers to the previous related-element localization. `--context_window` indicates the amount of lines before and after we provide to the LLM. The final edit locations **Agentless** will perform repair on is saved in `results/edit_location/loc_outputs.jsonl`, with logs in `results/edit_location/localize.log` #### Sampling edit locations multiple times and merging For the last localization step of localizing to edit locations, we can also perform sampling to obtain multiple sets of edit locations. ```shell python agentless/fl/ --fine_grain_line_level \ --output_folder results/edit_location_samples \ --start_file results/related_level/loc_outputs.jsonl \ --top_n 3 --context_window=10 --temperature 0.8 \ --num_samples 4 ``` This command will sample with temperature 0.8 and generate 4 edit location sets. We can then merge them together to form a bigger list of edit locations. Run the following command to merge: ```shell python agentless/fl/ --merge \ --output_folder results/edit_location_samples_merged \ --start_file results/edit_location_samples/loc_outputs.jsonl \ --num_samples 4 ``` This will perform pair-wise merging of samples (i.e., sample 0 and 1 will be merged and sample 2 and 3 will be merged). Furthermore it will also merge all samples together. The merged location files can be found in `results/edit_location_samples_merged/loc_merged_{st_id}-{en_id}_outputs.jsonl` where `st_id` and `en_id` indicates the samples that are being merged. The location file with all samples merged together can be found as `results/edit_location_samples_merged/loc_all_merged_outputs.jsonl`. Furthermore, we also include the location of each individual sample for completeness within the folder.

😼 Repair

Using the edit locations (i.e., found_edit_locs) from before, we now perform repair.

Agentless generates multiple patches per issue (controllable via parameters) and then perform majority voting to select the final patch for submission

Run the following command to generate the patches:

python agentless/repair/ --loc_file results/location/loc_outputs.jsonl \
                                  --output_folder results/repair \
                                  --loc_interval --top_n=3 --context_window=10 \
                                  --max_samples 10  --cot --diff_format \

This command generates 10 samples (1 greedy and 9 via temperature sampling) as defined --max_samples 10. The --context_window indicates the amount of code lines before and after each localized edit location we provide to the model for repair. The repair results is saved in results/repair/output.jsonl, which contains the raw output of each sample as well as the any trajectory information (e.g., number of tokens). The complete logs are also saved in results/repair/repair.log


We also perform post-processing to generate the complete git-diff patch for each repair samples.

You can find the individual patch in results/repair/output_{i}_processed.jsonl where i is the sample number.

Finally, we perform majority voting to select the final patch to solve each issue. Run the following command:

python agentless/repair/ --patch_folder results/repair --num_samples 10 --deduplicate --plausible

In this case, we use --num_samples 10 to pick from the 10 samples we generated previously, --deduplicate to apply normalization to each patch for better voting, and --plausible to select patches that can pass the previous regression tests (warning: this feature is not yet implemented)

This command will produced the all_preds.jsonl that contains the final selected patch for each instance_id which you can then directly use your favorite way of testing SWE-bench for evaluation!

🧶 Comparison

Below shows the comparison graph between Agentless and the best open-source agent-based approaches on SWE-bench lite

🐈‍⬛ Artifacts

You can download the complete artifacts of Agentless in our v0.1.0 release:

You can also checkout classification/ folder to obtain our manual classifications of SWE-bench-lite as well as our filtered SWE-bench-lite-S problems.

📝 Citation

  author    = {Xia, Chunqiu Steven and Deng, Yinlin and Dunn, Soren and Zhang, Lingming},
  title     = {Agentless: Demystifying LLM-based Software Engineering Agents},
  year      = {2024},
  journal   = {arXiv preprint},


The first two authors contributed equally to this work, with author order determined via Nigiri

😻 Acknowledgement