EZBlocker 3 is a Spotify Ad Muter/Blocker for Windows written in C#. It mutes Spotify while an advertisement is playing. It is a complete rewrite of the original EZBlocker, as it did not mute all the ads and Spotify was always muted on startup.
Comparing to the original, EZBlocker 3...
No need to install as EZBlocker 3 is a portable application.
To remove EZBlocker 3 the "Uninstall" button in the settings menu should be used.
The EZBlocker 3 UI ist built using the Windows Presentation Foundation and the ModernWPF UI Library for a modern Windows 10 look and system theme awareness.
Ads are detected by checking the spotify window title. On startup EZBlocker scans for running processes named "spotify" that have a window and extracts the title. It then listens for title changes by handling the EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE
event using SetWinEventHook
Spotify startup and shutdown are detected by handling the EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY
EZBlocker 3 checks for new releases on startup using the Github REST API. If a newer version is found, it is downloaded next to the app. The EZBlocker3.exe
file is then switched out while it is still running and then restarted.