OpenCAEPlus / OpenCAEPoro_ASC2024

OpenCAEPoro for ASC 2024
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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OpenCAEPoro Installation Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring OpenCAEPoro, a software package for numerical simulations of multi-component fluid flows in porous media.


This version of OpenCAEPoro requires the following external open-source libraries, which are also included in this repository:

Recommended Environment

For smooth installation and optimal performance, we recommend using the Intel C/C++ compilers (e.g., oneAPI-2022.1) and cmake 3.17.

Installation Steps

First, unzip all software packages. Then, follow these steps to install them in the specified order:

1. build lapack:
    S1. cd lapack-3.11
    S2. make blaslib
    S3. make cblaslib
    S4. make lapacklib
    S5. make lapackelib

2. build parmetis:
    S1. cd parmetis-4.0.3
    S2. modify the path in script "", such as "make config
        cc=mpiicc prefix=ROOT_DIR/parmetis-4.0.3/parmetis-install"
    S3. sh

    ROOT_DIR is the root directory of the repository, which is set by the user
    according to their own directory (similarly hereinafter).

3. build hypre
    S1. cd hypre-2.28.0
    S2. modify the path in script "", such as 
        "./configure --prefix=ROOT_DIR/hypre-2.28.0/install" --with-MPI --enable-shared"
    S3. sh

4. build petsc
    S1. cd petsc-3.19.3
    S2. modify the path in script "", such as
        export PETSC_DIR=ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3
        export PETSC_ARCH=petsc_install
        ./configure CC=mpiicc CXX=mpiicpc \
        --with-fortran-bindings=0 \
        --with-hypre-dir=ROOT_DIR/hypre-2.28.0/install \
        --with-debugging=0 \
        COPTFLAGS="-O3" \
        CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3" \
        make -j 20 PETSC_DIR=ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3 PETSC_ARCH=petsc_install all
    S3. sh  

5. build petsc_solver
    S1. cd petsc_solver
    S2. modify the path in script "", such as
        export CPATH=ROOT_DIR/lapack-3.11/CBLAS/include:ROOT_DIR/lapack-3.11/LAPACKE/include:$CPATH
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=ROOT_DIR/lapack-3.11:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    S3. modify the path in file "CMakeLists" on lines 18 and 19
        set(PETSC_DIR "ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3/")
        set(PETSC_ARCH "petsc_install")
    S4. sh

6. build OpenCAEPoro
    S1. cd OpenCAEPoro
    S2. modify the path in script "", such as
        export PARMETIS_DIR=ROOT_DIR/parmetis-4.0.3
        export PARMETIS_BUILD_DIR=ROOT_DIR/parmetis-4.0.3/build/Linux-x86_64
        export METIS_DIR=ROOT_DIR/parmetis-4.0.3/metis
        export METIS_BUILD_DIR=ROOT_DIR/parmetis-4.0.3/build/Linux-x86_64
        export PETSC_DIR=ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3
        export PETSC_ARCH=petsc_install
        export PETSCSOLVER_DIR=ROOT_DIR/petsc_solver
        export CPATH=ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3/include/:$CPATH
        export CPATH=ROOT_DIR/petsc-3.19.3/petsc_install/include/:ROOT_DIR/parmetis-
        export CPATH=ROOT_DIR/lapack-3.11/CBLAS/include/:$CPATH
    S3. sh

Testing the Installation

After installation, you can test the setup by running the following command in the terminal under the OpenCAEPoro main directory:

mpirun -n p ./testOpenCAEPoro ./data/test/

Replace p with the number of processes (≤10) you want to use. Check the output on the screen and the newly generated files in ./data/test/. You should find files like SUMMARY.out and FastReview.out. If you run this command with more than one process, statistics.out will also be generated. Use SUMMARY_ref.out as a reference to verify the results.