OpenCageData / leaflet-opencage-geocoding

A Leaflet geocoding control that uses the OpenCage geocoding API
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
22 stars 11 forks source link
geocoder geocoding leaflet opencage opencage-data

OpenCage Geocoding Control for Leaflet

A Leaflet geocodig control that uses OpenCage's geocoding API.

Check out a demo page in /demo. Or take a look at the live demo.

Note: if you want location autosuggest then what you want is OpenCage's geosearch, not geocoding.


You have three options




The control uses two image files that it expects to find in a directory with a path relative to the control's CSS files as ../images. If you've installed the control using Bower you'll find these in bower_components/Leaflet.OpenCage.Geocoding/dist/images/. If you've cloned the control's GitHub repository or downloaded and unpacked an archive from GitHub, you'll find these in dist/images.

Whichever installation method you've chosen, you'll need to move a copy of these two image files to a directory relative to the location of the control's CSS files.


Load the plugin's CSS and JavaScript files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>

Add the plugin's control to an L.Map instance:

var map ='map').setView([51.52255, -0.10249], 13);
var options = {
  key: 'your-api-key-here',
  limit: 10,
var control = L.Control.openCageGeocoding(options).addTo(map);
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',


By default, when a geocoding result is found, the control will center the map on it and place a marker at its location. This can be customized by overwriting the control's markGeocode function, to perform any action desired.

For example:

var control = L.Control.openCageGeocoding(options).addTo(map);

control.markGeocode = function (result) {
  var bbox = result.bbox;

This will add a polygon representing the result's boundingbox when a result is selected.


You can overwrite the following options, for example to translate.

var options = {
    key: '', // your OpenCage API key
    limit: 5 // number of results to be displayed
    position: 'topright',
    placeholder: 'Search...', // the text in the empty search box
    errorMessage: 'Nothing found.',
    showResultIcons: false,
    collapsed: true,
    expand: 'click',
    addResultToMap: true, // if a map marker should be added after the user clicks a result
    onResultClick: undefined, // callback with result as first parameter
    resultExtension: {
        geohash: "annotations.geohash",
        what3words: "annotations.what3words",
        addressComponents: "components"
    } //if additional attributes from OpenCage search API should be added to the result

var control = L.Control.openCageGeocoding(options).addTo(map);


See file.


Leaflet version 0.7+


See LICENSE file.

Who is OpenCage GmbH?

We run the OpenCage Geocoder. Learn more about us.

We also run Geomob, a series of regular meetups for location based service creators, where we do our best to highlight geoinnovation. If you like geo stuff, you will probably enjoy the Geomob podcast.