This module provides a Perl interface to the OpenCage geocoding API.
For docs please see the Geo::Coder::OpenCage page on
or perldoc Geo::Coder::OpenCage
To install into your Perl environment you can use the following command:
$ cpan Geo::Coder::OpenCage
Alternatively to work on the source:
$ git clone
$ cd perl-Geo-Coder-OpenCage
$ cpan Dist::Zilla
$ dzil authordeps | xargs cpan
$ dzil listdeps | xargs cpan
$ GEO_CODER_OPENCAGE_API_KEY="<your key>" dzil test
Copyright OpenCage GmbH
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
We run a worldwide geocoding API and geosearch service based on open data. Learn more about us.
We also run Geomob, a series of regular meetups for location based service creators, where we do our best to highlight geoinnovation. If you like geo stuff, you will probably enjoy the Geomob podcast.