OpenChain-Project / conformance-questionnaire

conformance questionnaire used in the OpenChain self-certification website
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Conformance Questionnaire


This project is now retired. Up until November, 2023, this repo contained the data for the web app used for self-certification. This has been replaced by a manual process based on documentation.

Original README

Below is the original README:

Welcome to the OpenChain Project Conformance Questionnaire repository.

This repository contains the conformance questionnaire used in the OpenChain self-certification website.

Information on the OpenChain project can be found on the OpenChain Project Website.

The questionnaire is maintained by the OpenChain Conformance Working Group. The Conformance Working Group also maintains a Wiki.

A conformance questionnaire PDF document is available for the most recent master branch version.


The materials in this repository is licensed under the Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0).

File Information

The repository contains one file per language translation in the format questionnaire_LANGTAG.json where LANGTAG specifies the language in the RFC 5646 format (e.g. questionnaire_en.json). There is also a file questionnaire.json which contains the default language representation of the questionnaire.


Contributions are welcome. Issues and Pull requests will be reviewed by the OpenChain Conformance Working Group. Any contributions to the questions must be licensed under the CC-BY-4 license.

If you do not have a github account and would like to recommend changes, email the Openchain Conformance Team with your suggested changes.

Github Users

The preferred method of updating the questionnaire is to create a pull request with the modifications to the questionnaire.json file. To create a pull request, you will need a github username. You can create a github user here. Members of the conformance team can gain write access to the repository. To request access, email your github username to the Openchain Conformance Team. If you are not familiar with github and would like a quick and easy way to make small changes, those conformance team members with write access can do the following:

See creating a pull request for additional information.

If you are an experienced git user or if you do not have write access to the repository, you can create a pull request by forking the repository and making the changes. See creating a pull request from a fork for help on this approach.

Changing an existing question

To make a change to the text of an existing question, do the following:

Adding a simple yes/no question

The easiest and safest way to add simple yes/no question is to copy/paste an existing question and modify it:

Working with Sub-Questions

Some of the questions include sub-questions where a correct answer depends on answering a minimum number of the subquestions correctly (e.g. Does you organization implement all of the following:...).

Sub-questions are listed after "questions": [. Each of the sub-questions follow the same format as normal questions enclosed by { ... }.

Prior to the list of subquestions, the minimum number of correct answers for the subquestions is specified by "minNumberValidatedAnswers": N, where N is the minimum of subquestions which must be correctly answered. If a survey responses has less than the minimum number correctly answered, the entire question containing the subquestion will be deemed incorrect.

After the subquestions, the question text that shows up before the subquestion is listed along with the other fields detailed in the Questionnaire JSON Format section.

Modifying Sections

Section information precedes the questions for that section. The name and title can be edited. To create a new section, it is recommended to make a copy/paste of an existing section and edit the information updating the title, name, and questions as appropriate. The copy/paste should include everything from the { before "name": to the }, following the questions.

Questionnaire JSON Format

At the top level, the JSON file contains 4 fields:

Each section has the following fields:

Each question has the following fields:

Branches, Tags and Versions

The master branch will always be the version of the questionnaire under development.

All questionnaires are versioned in the format X.Y.Z where X.Y matches the specification version number and Z in incremented on each revision of the questionnaire deployed to the self-certification website.

All deployed versions are tagged with the version number.

All released versions since version 1.2 are maintained in a branch identified by the release.


See the localization README for information on localizing the questionnaire.

Self Certification Website Source

The source code for the self-certification website is available under the Apache 2.0 license in the Online-Self-Certification-Web-App repository. Contributions to the web application are welcome.