This is a mobile app for the OpenDTU project by tbnobody. I am a OpenDTU user, but I am not affiliated with the original project. However, for API communication, I inspired my code by the original webapp.
There are signed .apk files inside the "Releases" tab. As of now, the is no plan to publish to Google Play store ~or F-Droid~.
~However, if you want to help with F-Droid, feel free to contact me.~ Thanks to @IzzySoft for having the app in their repo!
iOS is set up in xCode, but there is no plan yet to publish it to the App Store, so if you want to try it, you have to clone the repository and build it manually. If you encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue.
There are two branches. main
is the stable branch, develop
is the development branch. If you want to contribute, please create a pull request to develop
If you want to have a nice view of the logs the app exports as a txt file, you can find the project here. It is hosted on GitHub pages here:
Translations are inside a submodule located in src/translations/translation-files
This helps to have a better developer experience when working with Weblate.
Stuff that I cannot test myself