OpenDataforWeb3 / DataGrantsforARB

Organizing work as outlined in the Data Grants proposal to ThankARB and the ARB DAO in Q4 of 2023
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Arbitrum Governance Participation Data Analysis #17

Open Pfed-prog opened 4 months ago

Pfed-prog commented 4 months ago

Building upon the data collection efforts initiated in #16 , this new issue aims to address the crucial aspect of data analysis regarding governance participation within the Arbitrum ecosystem. The goal is to provide comprehensive insights leading to enhanced participation rates and a deeper understanding of on-chain voting dynamics.

Proposed Tasks:

  1. Data Processing and Cleaning:

    • Develop a plan to process and clean the collected data to ensure its readiness for analysis, addressing inconsistencies and errors as necessary.
  2. Participation Rate Analytics:

    • Conduct in-depth analytics to assess and analyze participation rates in on-chain voting, identifying trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement.
  3. Correlation Analysis:

    • Explore correlations between various variables related to participation patterns, including token holder characteristics, proposal types, and voting behaviors.
  4. Impact Assessment of Governance Platforms:

    • Analyze the influence of platforms such as Karma, Tally, and Snapshot on participation in on-chain voting, identifying their impact on user engagement and decision-making processes.
  5. Proposal and Delegate Analysis:

    • Investigate which categories of users participate more frequently in on-chain voting and proposal submissions, and analyze the activity of individual delegates.
  6. Insights and Recommendations:

    • Derive actionable insights from the analysis to provide recommendations for enhancing participation rates and fostering a more inclusive and effective governance framework.
  7. Visualization and Reporting:

    • Develop visual representations of the analysis findings, such as charts, graphs, and summaries, to effectively communicate the insights and facilitate decision-making.
    • Create a comprehensive report outlining the analysis methodology utilized and presenting the findings in a clear and accessible format.

Collaboration and Feedback:

This issue outlines the critical tasks involved in analyzing the gathered data to derive meaningful insights. Collaboration and feedback from community members and stakeholders are essential to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the analysis.

Engaging with the Community:

Strategize ways to engage the community in the analysis process, seeking input and feedback to enrich the analysis and foster a sense of collective ownership and trust in the outcomes.

This issue serves as a pivotal step in the broader goal of enhancing governance legitimacy and fostering active participation within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

epowell101 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for this - and for the reference back to issue 16. It makes the lineage easier to understand