OpenDataforWeb3 / DataGrantsforARB

Organizing work as outlined in the Data Grants proposal to ThankARB and the ARB DAO in Q4 of 2023
Apache License 2.0
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This repository organizes work as outlined in the Data Grants proposal to ThankARB and the ARB DAO in Q4 of 2023. The total amount of small grants to be paid out is 110,000 ARB. In addition to the Permissionless Suggestion Box outlined below, we will also be working on an anti-Fraud hackathon to kick off in mid to late March; stay tuned.

Please read more about this effort in the proposal made to ThankARB in November of 2023. This initiative was activated with initial payments made on January 19, 2024: (

DataGrants is an effort to focus data scientists and developers on the foundations of web3 itself - specifically looking at Grant programs and attempts to capture mechanisms via the analysis of Sybil and similar behavior. As this initiative is funded by ARB we of course will be focusing on ThankARB and related efforts.

We have a living wiki here including a getting started guide: ($150k%3F)

Permissionless Suggestion Box ("PSB")

The permissionless suggestion box is one approach to a fairly common workflow that many projects aspire to achieve. In it, ideas are captured and reviewed, those ideas that are accepted are then associated with a bounty - i.e. funded, and then the work begins and submissions are made to fulfill those ideas. Finally those submissions are reviewed and bounties are paid out.

Here are a few practical details:


We want to move as quickly as possible. Based on community discussions these timelines may change. However, the current thought is to kick off soliciting issues in January and keep it open until the end of February. Again, opening an issue is entirely permissionless; these issues are then analyzed by the council to come up with the bounty list.

We are asking our council to argue and vote over which issues to attach bounties ongoing, tentatively starting February 1st. We will then give developers and data scientists and others until the middle of March to fulfill these bounties.

Once again council will judge and we will send to the ThankARB and ARB multisig the payouts for execution. We are planning to do this at least twice, once at the end of February and a second time on March 15th. This way we will have two sprints, the idea being that this will give the community flexibility and the payment of initial bounties will drive additional interest and momentum.