OpenDreamKit / OpenDreamKit

Main repository for sharing files and documents about OpenDreamKit
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computational-mathematics computational-science european-project

Main repository for the OpenDreamKit H2020 European project

Instructions for participants

General recommendations

Advertise ODK's activities

Add a post in the news or activities pages of the website or an entry in the events section.

Typically a talk at a conference goes in the activities section while an ODK workshop (or related workshop) goes in the events section.

Acknowledge ODK's support

See our Acknowledgement web page

Finance best practice

The Commission attracts our attention to the most common errors identified in cost claims:

For the full version delivered by the Commission, click here

OpenAccess process

The Université Paris-Sud published an information sheet on openaccess best practices. You can find the information, in French, here.

However an internal process has been set up (cf Data management Plan)

Partners will be following the process explained below. The lead partner of the publication takes responsibility for the openaccess process for peer-reviewed publications.

Publication in the journal of their choice:

Partners must be keeping in mind the Commission asks not to accept more than 6 month embargo (to check the publishers’ policies use

Give openaccess to all peer-reviewed publications, with a max. of 6 months embargo.

Data related to open access publications

The lead partner of a publication will send to the Project Manager all the data related to the peer-reviewed publication once it is given full openaccess. Data related to a publication are all the data needed to reexamine the research leading to the publication. The Project Manager will publish the data linked to publications on Thanks to the publications’ DOIs, the data will be linked to publications.


Once publications are published on an openaccess platform and their data published on Zenodo, the OpenAire website will be linkage between them. All OpenDreamKit published work will be present on this webpage:

In order for publications and data to appear on this website, one must state when completing forms on the openaccess paltform (such as ArXiv) and Zenodo websites that the concerned work is being financed by Horizon 2020 project number 676541.

Project discussions

Design goals:

Sharing and collaborating on documents

You can use this repository (or that of the web page when relevant) to collaborate on public documents. There is a subdirectory for each work package.

Private documents can be shared using the private repositories of the relevant body:

Progress tracking

Each ODK task and deliverable is modelled by a public github issue. They are accessible from the sidebar of our web page. Furthermore each deliverable is attached to a milestone for tracking its deadline (Month xxx of the project).

The purpose of those issues is:

A first draft of each issue was created automatically using the metadata produced in Proposal/final.pdata. It should be further edited and maintained. The issue should be assigned to whoever will be leading it, in addition to the work package leader.

By convention, we use the first comment on the issue as a description of that issue (github is missing an explicit notion of issue description). It should contain and be continuously updated with:

For examples, see #50, #87, #72.

Alternatively, when natural, the issue can be a brief pointer to an issue of the relevant software where the actual discussion happens. In this case, only ODK specific info (link to task, delivery date, status report, ...) needs to be on the issue.

Submitting a deliverable

Steps for the deliverable lead

Steps for the coordinator

Organizing a workshop

For ODK, but also for all of those that are watching with hope over our shoulders, it's important to write useful reports on our work during the workshops. To be productive, we should write those reports collaboratively and on the fly.

Suggested approach: initialize the report with the list of projects, and put it on a collaborative pad (e.g. hackmd). Then, during each status report, display the report on the screen, and ask everybody to take lives notes both on the plan and what's done, directly in a synthetic project-by-project form. The goal is to have a couple paragraphs per projects, with links to the end results. And an overall debriefing.

Organization of official meetings

Recommendations of Collaborative software