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Website for OpenFreeEnergy

To build the website locally, you'll create a conda environment and install the website's bundle within that. Once you have conda installed, and this repo cloned, the commands to run (from within the root directory of this repo) are:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate ofe-website
bundle install

From there you can launch a local web server with

bundle exec jekyll serve

or, if you want to have the website automatically update as you make changes:

bundle exec jekyll serve --watch


Adding news items

News items are stored in the _posts/ directory. Each item is a file. That file must be named in the format YYYY-MM-DD-TITLE where YYYY-MM-DD gives the year month and day for the post. With this, it is possible to backdate posts.

The file will is Markdown format with YAML frontmatter. The YAML frontmatter should include the following:

Adding new team members

Each team member has a file that is just a markdown file with YAML frontmatter. Only the frontmatter is filled in. The frontmatter includes the following fields:

You can copy _team/ to get a template. You can see the rendered versions at

Adding new packages to our projects page

The details for these are in files in _projects/. Make a copy of Note that these are markdown files with YAML frontmatter (although all you do is fill in the YAML). Fill in each of the fields. role can be one of flagship, developers, maintainers. Within each role, projects are listed alphabetically by filename.

Tracking upstream changes

It turns out this theme is poorly designed for customization. So I'm keeping in here our overrides along with the diff of the original, which will hopefully make future maintenance updates a little easier.

When creating a diff, it should always be

diff installed_file our_file > _file.diff

This way, we can check whether updated versions of the theme made changes to the files that we have changed -- if that diff is exactly the saved diff, then no changes have been made upstream.

You can find the location of the installed file with:

bundle info --path jekyll-theme-hydra