OpenHeroines / gender-doathon

A place to plan the gender doathon
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In brief

What is this about? Getting started
We invite you, whether you're attending #IODC18 in Buenos Aires or you are a far, to a day of learning, making, and doing on September 25th 2018 to the first Gender Data Doathon If you like what you see here, please register for the event as an on-site or virtual participant by going to its [NEED TO ADD LINK]


For the first time ever, Open Heroines will host a Doathon in the International Open Data Conference. A doathon is like a hackathon, but focused on doing rather than code. We will work on open data projects that want to add a gender lens to them or on open data projects that already focus on gender. We will also create key documentation for the Open Heroines community.


Aim: hands-on with gender data - Here is the plan:

As part of the International Open Data Conference 2018, we will host a day of a doathon in Beunos Aires, Argentina. This repo will help to coordinate the activities for that day.

Focusing on open data and gender, we are looking to collaborate with projects that already looking on open data and gender, and help them to complete some tasks that will help them move forward in their progress and give them a stage to showcase their ideas. We will also be happy to collaborate with current open data projects that want to be more gender minded and inclusive, and will help them to build a strategy to include gedner and diveristy forwars.

We invite men, women, and gender non-binary people to join us. Whether you are a policy maker, researcher, coder, designer or just an enthusiast, we invite you to make, hack, contribute, try, teach, design, test, learn (or just about anything!).

How it works

We'll be using this GitHub repository for documenting and discussing ideas before, during, and after the event, both for remote participants and everyone else who is interested. People can pitch ideas or projects they want to work on or need help with in this for.

People will propose ideas via this Google Form. After submitting, an email will be sent to expalin how to use GitHub issues and submit a project task.

You will find in the issues tab all of the tasks for the doathon. Here is what the different colours mean -


10:00 - 10:30 - Welcome and intro to the day 10:30 - 11:30 - Project match-making - Match between project and skills to increase collaboration and impact of open data and gender projects. This will be done by an open call to submit ideas and to pitch it to others during the day. 11:30 - 1:00 - Doathon! Working in teams on the different tasks! 1:00 - 2:00 - Lunch + Networking + Project Showcase 2:00 - 4:00 - Doathon work! 4:00 - 5:30 - Closing panel with discussion about how to take the doathon further.

7:00 - 9:00 - Reception! first hour is women only! Each women can invite one man is her +1 who can join from 8 pm onwards!

How to join remotely


How to join on-site


Ideas for the doathon!

Ideas for activites can be:



Email us at -

Social media

Hashtags #IODC18 #genderdata @openheroines
