OpenINF / .github

A ✨special✨ repository: org-level default metadata & community health files for use across all OpenINF projects on GitHub
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## `.github` [![Stars][stargazers-badge--shields]][stargazers-badge-url] > Org-level default metadata & community health files
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The OpenINF .github repository is a one-stop shop for default metadata and community health files for all @OpenINF projects on GitHub. If a file does not exist for a specific project, these organization-wide defaults will be used. We are constantly working to improve this repository, so please feel free to contribute if you notice any omissions or errors.


[![Code Style: Prettier][prettier-badge]][prettier-url] [![Chat on Matrix][matrix-badge--shields]][matrix-url]

### Contents 1. [Cascading Metadata & Community Health Files](#cascading-metadata-community-health-files) 1. [Local Metadata & Community Health Files](#local-metadata-community-health-files) 1. [Contributing](#contributing) 1. [License](#license)

### Cascading Metadata & Community Health Files
While these files themselves won't appear in the file browser or Git history of each repository, they will be surfaced throughout developers' workflows, such as when opening a new issue or when viewing the project's [Community Profile][], just as if it were committed to the repository directly.[^1]
| File name | Title | Description | | :------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [``][] | Code of Conduct | Defines standards for how to engage in a community | | [``][] | Contribution Guidelines | Communicates how people should contribute to a project | | [`FUNDING.yml`][] | Funding | Displays a sponsor button per repository increasing visibility of project funding options | | `ISSUE_TEMPLATE` and `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` | | Issue and PR templates customize and standardize information contributors are to include when opening issues and PRs | | [``][] | Security Policy | Gives instructions for how to report a security vulnerability in a project | | [``][] | Support Resources | Lets people know about ways to get help with a project |

### Local Metadata & Community Health Files
We cannot create organization-wide defaults for the following files as they are often unique per project. Therefore, they must be added to each individual repository so that they will be included when the project is cloned, packaged, or downloaded. Refer to the ones contained in this repository for guidance on how these files are expected to look.
| File name | Title | Description | | :--------------- | :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [`AUTHORS`][] | The OpenINF Authors | Lists the contributors of their respective project repositories[^2][^3] | | [``][] | Homepage | Serves as a project landing page of sorts | | [`/LICENSE/`][] | Software License(s) | The open-source software license(s) associated with a project | | [``][] | Project Vision | The goal(s) and/or scope of a project |

The [``][] file can be useful for offloading project goals that should typically be specified in the root [``][] file. It may optionally exist alongside it as an alternative location to even include project scope as well, but should be linked to from the root [``][] file in these cases.

### Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. If you plan to make significant changes, please open an issue to discuss the change first. If you notice something that needs fixing but can't do it yourself, please let us know by [opening an issue][].

### License
This project is licensed under either of the following: - [The MIT License]( - [Apache License, Version 2.0]( - [Blue Oak Model License, Version 1.0.0]( at your option. The [SPDX]( license identifier for this project is `MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR BlueOak-1.0.0`.



[AUTHORS]: 'List of people who have contributed code to this project' []: 'Standards for how to engage with the project community' []: 'Contribution guidelines for this project' [FUNDING.yml]: 'How to financially support maintenance/development of @OpenINF projects' [/LICENSE/]: 'The open source software license(s) associated with this project' []: 'The landing/home page of this project' []: 'Instructions on how to report security vulnerabilities for this project' []: 'Where to get help on this project' []: 'What the goal(s) and/or scope are of this project'

[license-badge--shields]: 'License: MIT/Apache 2.0/BlueOak 1.0.0'

[matrix-badge--shields]: 'Chat on Matrix' [matrix-url]: "You're invited to talk on Matrix" [npm-badge--shields]: 'View our packages on npm' [npm-badge-url]: "View all of OpenINF's packages published to the npm registry"

[prettier-badge]: 'Code Style: Prettier'

[stargazers-badge-url]: 'Stargazers' [stargazers-badge--shields]: 'Stargazers'