Open pverkind opened 4 years ago
00#AUTH#URI######: 0463KhatibBaghdadi
10#AUTH#ISM####AR: Aḥmad
10#AUTH#KUNYA##AR: Abū Bakr
10#AUTH#NASAB##AR: b. ʿAlī b. Ṯābit b. Aḥmad b. Mahdī
10#AUTH#NISBA##AR: al-Šāfiʿī, al-Baġdādī
10#AUTH#SHUHRA#AR: al-Ḫaṭīb al-Baġdādī
20#AUTH#BORN#####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated
20#AUTH#DIED#####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated
20#AUTH#RESIDED##: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated
20#AUTH#VISITED##: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated
30#AUTH#BORN###AH: 0392-JU2-24
30#AUTH#DIED###AH: 0463-DHH-07
40#AUTH#STUDENTS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated
40#AUTH#TEACHERS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated
80#AUTH#BIBLIO###: src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id
90#AUTH#COMMENT##: EI2: "al-K̲h̲aṭīb al-Bag̲h̲dādī, Abū Bakr Aḥmad
b. ʿAlī b. T̲h̲ābit b. Aḥmad b. Mahdī al-S̲h̲āfiʿī ,
known as al-K̲h̲aṭīb al-Bag̲h̲dādī, was born on 24th D̲j̲umadā II 392/10th May 1002
( Taʾrīk̲h̲ Bag̲h̲dād , xi, 266) in Hanīḳiyā, a village in the neighbourhood
of the Nahr al-Malik below Bag̲h̲dād (Ṣafadī, Wāfī , vii, 191;
see M. Streck, Die alte Landschaft Babylonien , Leiden 1900, i, 27).
(...) died in Baghdad on Monday 7 Dhu 'l-Hidjdja
463/5 September 1071 (Ibn ʿAsākir, op. cit., i, 401)"
00#BOOK#URI######: 0463KhatibBaghdadi.TarikhBaghdad 10#BOOK#GENRES###: src@keyword, src@keyword, src@keyword 10#BOOK#TITLEA#AR: Tārīḫ Madīnat al-Salām 10#BOOK#TITLEB#AR: Tārīḫ Baġdād 20#BOOK#WROTE####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated 30#BOOK#WROTE##AH: YEAR-MON-DA (X+ for unknown) 40#BOOK#ABRIDGED#: URI of a book from OpenITI, or [Author's Title] 40#BOOK#COMMENTD#: URI of a book from OpenITI, or [Author's Title] 40#BOOK#FOLLOWED#: URI of a book from OpenITI, or [Author's Title] 40#BOOK#PRECEDED#: URI of a book from OpenITI, or [Author's Title] 80#BOOK#EDITIONS#: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#LINKS####: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#MSS######: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#STUDIES##: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#TRANSLAT#: permalink, permalink, permalink 90#BOOK#COMMENT##: There are currently two different editions in the corpus:
00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 7409698 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 1864872 00#VERS#URI######: 0463KhatibBaghdadi.TarikhBaghdad.Shamela0000736-ara2 80#VERS#BASED####: 80#VERS#COLLATED#: 80#VERS#LINKS####: 90#VERS#ANNOTATOR: ANON, PV 90#VERS#COMMENT##: Pagination was only partially successfully implemented; often, the page number of the first page of a biography will be after the end of the biography, even if the biography spreads multiple pages. 90#VERS#DATE#####: 2020-08-13 90#VERS#ISSUES###: PAGINATION
#URI_CHECKED:# Changed version to -ara2
#VERSION_YML:# added permalinks, issues
#AUTHOR_YML_CHECKED:# added transcription of name + birth and death dates
#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:# Added info on both editions in the corpus
#STRUCTURAL_ANNOTATION:# improved pagination (which still is incomplete); cleaned up structural annotation.
NB: Make sure the issue title looks like TEXT VETTED: /uri of the vetted text/.
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