OpenITI / Annotation

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TEXT VETTED: 0852IbnHajarCasqalani.TaghliqTacliq.Shamela0000347-ara1 #2167

Open hamidrh66 opened 3 years ago

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago



#VERSION_YML:# y: permalinks updated, issues updated


#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:# y: title transcribed

#STRUCTURAL_ANNOTATION:# I agree with the annotator about keeping the second-level auto-tagged headers. I realized that there are more cases that have not been taken by the auto-tagging. So, I found and tagged more cases of this kind by RegEx. However, the text probably needs to be read closely by a specialist since there might still be more cases. 2- A few untagged first-level headers tagged, and subsequent levelling changed accordingly.



NB: Make sure the issue title looks like TEXT VETTED: /uri of the vetted text/.

More info on vetting: see

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago

00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 1433921 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 374222 00#VERS#URI######: 0852IbnHajarCasqalani.TaghliqTacliq.Shamela0000347-ara1 80#VERS#BASED####: 80#VERS#COLLATED#: 80#VERS#LINKS####: 90#VERS#ANNOTATOR: SP Loynes 90#VERS#COMMENT##: Commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari.  Good correspondence w/ printed edition. The autotagging had tagged many subsections that refer to the chapters of the original work. While these are not hierarchical markers per se, I have kept (and checked most of them) as they are useful for navigation and cross-referencing w/ the original work. It also seemed counterintuitive to remove them. Occasionally, page dividers out by a couple of lines (e.g. v3: 184/5). NOTE OF THE REVIEWER (HRH): I agree with the annotator about keeping the second-level auto-tagged headers. I realized that there are more cases that have not been taken by the auto-tagging. So, I found and tagged more cases of this kind by RegEx. However, the text probably needs to be read closely by a specialist since there might still be more cases. 2- A few untagged first-level headers tagged, and subsequent levelling changed accordingly. 90#VERS#DATE#####: 2020-09-30 90#VERS#ISSUES###: HTML_TAGS

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago

00#BOOK#URI######: 0852IbnHajarCasqalani.TaghliqTacliq 00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 1433921 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 374218 10#BOOK#GENRES###: src@keyword, src@keyword, src@keyword 10#BOOK#TITLEA#AR: Taġlīq al-taʿlīq ʿalá Ṣaḥīḥ al-Buḫārī 10#BOOK#TITLEB#AR: Risālaŧ al-Muʾallif 20#BOOK#WROTE####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated 30#BOOK#WROTE##AH: YEAR-MON-DA (X+ for unknown) 40#BOOK#RELATED##: URI of a book from OpenITI, or [Author's Title], followed by abbreviation for relation type between brackets (see book_relations repo). Only include relations with older books. Separate related books with semicolon. 80#BOOK#EDITIONS#: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#LINKS####: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#MSS######: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#STUDIES##: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#TRANSLAT#: permalink, permalink, permalink 90#BOOK#COMMENT##: a free running comment here; you can add as many lines as you see fit; the main goal of this comment section is to have a place to record valuable information, which is difficult to formalize into the above given categories.