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TEXT VETTED: 0656IbnAbiHadid.SharhNahjBalagha.Shia002185Vols-ara1 #2248

Open hamidrh66 opened 3 years ago

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago



#VERSION_YML:# y: pdf link updated

#AUTHOR_YML_CHECKED:# y: name transcribed, birth and death date added, EI2 link added

#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:# y: title transcribed




NB: Make sure the issue title looks like TEXT VETTED: /uri of the vetted text/.

More info on vetting: see

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago

00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 5725253 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 1385318 00#VERS#URI######: 0656IbnAbiHadid.SharhNahjBalagha.Shia002185Vols-ara1 80#VERS#BASED####: 80#VERS#COLLATED#: 80#VERS#LINKS####: 90#VERS#ANNOTATOR: Gowaart Van Den Bossche 90#VERS#COMMENT##: Couldn't find a suitable pdf version, so worked with the printed edition in AKU-ISMC library. This edition is also the one noted in EI3 article on Ibn Abi l-Hadid by Tahera Qutbuddin. Pagination is correct and paragraphs usually are as well. There are footnote markers in the text, and html-hyperlinks to Quranic citations. From the end of the second volume onwards the typist didn't write all section markers for asl and sharh and did not mark some such headers between square brackets, so I have tended to correct these to improve logical text structure. Poetry has not been formatted consistently. In volume three some of the headers in square brackets differ from those used in the pdf-edition, although they refer to the same subjects. At the start of each volume the typist has copied some editorial data. In cases where this information takes up more than a line or two, I have used the editor tag to distinguish this, and followed it when necessary by an empty header tag to denote where the text picks up again. Numbering of sections is inconsistent both in being actually numbered and in whether Arabic or Latin numerals are used -- I have harmonised these. NOTE OF THE REVIEWER (HRH): Headers moved up by one level. Changes in the levelling of a few headers made. A few untagged headers tagged. Body text separated from the titles. Editorial removed. 90#VERS#DATE#####: 2019-09-25 90#VERS#ISSUES###: FOOTNOTES, HTML_TAGS, RANDOM_CHARS

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago

00#BOOK#URI######: 0656IbnAbiHadid.SharhNahjBalagha 10#BOOK#GENRES###: src@keyword, src@keyword, src@keyword 10#BOOK#TITLEA#AR: Šarḥ Nahǧ al-balāġaŧ 10#BOOK#TITLEB#AR: Risālaŧ al-Muʾallif 20#BOOK#WROTE####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated 30#BOOK#WROTE##AH: YEAR-MON-DA (X+ for unknown) 40#BOOK#RELATED##: 0406SharifRadi.NahjBalagha (COMM.sharh) 80#BOOK#EDITIONS#: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#LINKS####: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#MSS######: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#STUDIES##: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#TRANSLAT#: permalink, permalink, permalink 90#BOOK#COMMENT##: a free running comment here; you can add as many lines as you see fit; the main goal of this comment section is to have a place to record valuable information, which is difficult to formalize into the above given categories.

hamidrh66 commented 3 years ago

00#AUTH#URI######: 0656IbnAbiHadid 10#AUTH#ISM####AR: ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd 10#AUTH#KUNYA##AR: Abū Ḥamīd 10#AUTH#LAQAB##AR: ʿIzz al-dīn 10#AUTH#NASAB##AR: b. Hibaŧ Allāh b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn b. Abī al-Ḥadīd 10#AUTH#NISBA##AR: al-Madāʾinī, al-Muʿtazilī 10#AUTH#SHUHRA#AR: Ibn Abī al-Ḥadīd 20#AUTH#BORN#####: MADAIN_445E330N_S, Iraq_RE 20#AUTH#DIED#####: BAGHDAD_443E333N_S 20#AUTH#RESIDED##: BAGHDAD_443E333N_S 20#AUTH#VISITED##: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated 30#AUTH#BORN###AH: 0586-DHH-01 30#AUTH#DIED###AH: 0655-XXX-XX or 0656-XXX-XX 40#AUTH#STUDENTS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated 40#AUTH#TEACHERS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated 80#AUTH#BIBLIO###: src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id 90#AUTH#COMMENT##: EI2: "Ibn Abi ’l- ḤadīdL: scholar of wide learning in the fields of Arabic language, poetry and adab , rhetoric, kalām [q.v.] and of the early history of Islam; in addition he was an uṣūlī jurist [see uṣūl ] and an eminent writer of prose and poetry. Born at al-Madāʾīn on 1 D̲h̲u ’l-Ḥid̲j̲d̲j̲a 586/30 December 1190, he died at Bag̲h̲dād in 655/1257 or 656/1258.":