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TEXT VETTED: 0923AhmadQastallani.IrshadSari.Shamela0021715-ara1 #2463

Open hamidrh66 opened 2 years ago

hamidrh66 commented 2 years ago



#VERSION_YML:# y: pdf link updated, permalinks updated, issues updated

#AUTHOR_YML_CHECKED:# y: name transcribed, birth and death date added, EI2 link added

#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:# y: title transcribed




NB: Make sure the issue title looks like TEXT VETTED: /uri of the vetted text/.

More info on vetting: see

hamidrh66 commented 2 years ago

00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 13974881 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 3401828 00#VERS#URI######: 0923AhmadQastallani.IrshadSari.Shamela0021715-ara1 80#VERS#BASED####: 80#VERS#COLLATED#: 80#VERS#LINKS####: 90#VERS#ANNOTATOR: Gowaart Van Den Bossche 90#VERS#COMMENT##: Poetry tagged. The pdf is another print (unknown which one) of the same edition used for the digital text (the seventh Bulaq printing). The worldcat link is also not for this seventh edition, but an earlier one. As a result, the pagination is different or simply missing in most places where there is simply PageV00P000 (almost 4000 instances) . Because of this and because of the difficult to follow layout of the pdf, I have annotated based on textual logic. Structure was pre-tagged but needed significant cleaning up. I have done this but may have missed some parts due to the huge size of the work. Fortunately the organisation is very clear in general: first level for books, second level for bab, third level for individual numbered hadith with a rare fourth level for tanbih and similar glosses. This division is fine across the majority of the work except in book 66 which introduces another layer of Quran verses, which I have designated as second level, same as bab chapters. This chapter probably needs revision. There seem to be some redundant parts with repeated sections, see for example book 70, the beginning of bab 12 is included twice. In book 42 the title of bab 1 is also repeated. There are more such instances. NB: check lines of poetry that seem too short: line numbers 168983, 213927 NOTE OF THE REVIEWER (HRH): I found the PDF of the same edition and replaced the link. So the page numbers are the same. However, there is still difference between the PDF and the digital version. This is because at the beginning of the headers, there is a paragraph added by the typist quoting just the original hadith (i.e. just the parts that are in parenthesis in the PDF), and then the original text begins. 2- It is possible that parts of some headers are entered into the body text or vice versa. Regarding the huge length of the text, I didn’t check all the headers. A careful reading is needed to make sure about this. There shouldn’t be many cases as far as my random check can suggests. 3- The typist has added headers for most baabs although they already have headers in the text. So, some of the headers are repeated in their following line. However, I didn’t delete such cases since there is a little difference between the typist’s headers and the text’s headers, and the typist’s headers are actually clearer and more usable. 4- In book 65 which is mentioned by the annotator, I added another level of levelling. 5- Find other editions of the text:;; and a manuscript here: 90#VERS#DATE#####: 2021-01-12 90#VERS#ISSUES###: PAGINATION

hamidrh66 commented 2 years ago

00#BOOK#URI######: 0923AhmadQastallani.IrshadSari 00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 13974423 00#VERS#LENGTH###: 3401717 10#BOOK#GENRES###: src@keyword, src@keyword, src@keyword 10#BOOK#TITLEA#AR: Iršād al-sārī li-šarḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Buḫārī 10#BOOK#TITLEB#AR: Risālaŧ al-Muʾallif 20#BOOK#WROTE####: URIs from Althurayya, comma separated 30#BOOK#WROTE##AH: YEAR-MON-DA (X+ for unknown) 40#BOOK#RELATED##: 0256Bukhari.Sahih (COMM.sharh) 80#BOOK#EDITIONS#: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#LINKS####: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#MSS######: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#STUDIES##: permalink, permalink, permalink 80#BOOK#TRANSLAT#: permalink, permalink, permalink 90#BOOK#COMMENT##: a free running comment here; you can add as many lines as you see fit; the main goal of this comment section is to have a place to record valuable information, which is difficult to formalize into the above given categories.

hamidrh66 commented 2 years ago

00#AUTH#URI######: 0923AhmadQastallani 10#AUTH#ISM####AR: Aḥmad 10#AUTH#KUNYA##AR: Abū al-ʿAbbās 10#AUTH#LAQAB##AR: Šihāb al-dīn 10#AUTH#NASAB##AR: b. Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr b. ʿAbd al-Malik 10#AUTH#NISBA##AR: al-Ḫaṭīb, al-Šāfiʿī 10#AUTH#SHUHRA#AR: al-Qasṭallānī 20#AUTH#BORN#####: QAHIRA_312E300N_S, Misr_RE_Auto 20#AUTH#DIED#####: QAHIRA_312E300N_S 20#AUTH#RESIDED##: QAHIRA_312E300N_S 20#AUTH#VISITED##: MAKKA_398E213N_S 30#AUTH#BORN###AH: 0851-DHQ-12 30#AUTH#DIED###AH: 0923-MUH-07 40#AUTH#STUDENTS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated 40#AUTH#TEACHERS#: AUTH_URI from OpenITI, comma separated 80#AUTH#BIBLIO###: src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id, src@id 90#AUTH#COMMENT##: EI2: "abū ’l-ʿabbās aḥmad b. muḥammad b. abī bakr al-k̲h̲aṭīb s̲h̲ihāb al-dīn al-s̲h̲āfiʿī , an authority on tradition and theologian, born on 12 D̲h̲u ’l-Ḳaʿda 851/20 January 1448 in Cairo, where he spent his life as a preacher—apart from two stays of some duration in Mecca—and died on Friday, 7 Muḥarram 923/31 January 1517.":