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NameError: name 'code' is not defined #1299

Open 4t8dd opened 3 weeks ago

4t8dd commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I try to play after installation. But I got error like below;

> make me a simple pomodoro app


   1 Create a Python script that implements a simple Pomodoro timer.
   2 The app will utilize the time module to manage the timer and print statements to indicate start, break, and end


   1 Set up the timer with a fixed work period (e.g., 25 minutes) and break period (e.g., 5 minutes).
   2 Print messages to indicate the start of the work period, the start of the break period, and the end of the

  Let's start by drafting the code for this script in small steps.

                                              Step 1: Basic Timer Setup

  I will implement a basic timer with print statements for a simple cycle.

  // Execute Python code to create a basic Pomodoro timer.

  const timer_code = `
  import time

  def pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):
          while True:
              print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")
              time.sleep(work_duration * 60)
              print("Take a break!")
              time.sleep(break_duration * 60)
              print("Break over. Get back to work!")
      except KeyboardInterrupt:
          print("Pomodoro session ended.")

  # Example: 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of break
  if __name__ == "__main__":
      pomodoro_timer(25, 5)

  const result = functions.execute({ code: timer_code, language: 'python' });

  Would you like to run this code? (y/n)


  // Execute Python code to create a basic Pomodoro timer.

  const timer_code = `
  import time

  def pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):
          while True:
              print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")
              time.sleep(work_duration * 60)
              print("Take a break!")
              time.sleep(break_duration * 60)
              print("Break over. Get back to work!")
      except KeyboardInterrupt:
          print("Pomodoro session ended.")

  # Example: 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of break
  if __name__ == "__main__":
      pomodoro_timer(25, 5)

  const result = functions.execute({ code: timer_code, language: 'python' });

  Cell In[4], line 1
      // Execute Python code to create a basic Pomodoro timer.
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  It seems there was a misunderstanding. Let's directly execute Python code to create a basic Pomodoro timer.

                                   Step 1: Basic Timer Setup with Print Statements

  I will implement a simple cycle using print statements.

   import time

   def pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):
       print("Pomodoro Timer Started!")
       print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")
       time.sleep(work_duration * 60)
       print("Time for a break!")
       print(f"Break for {break_duration} minutes.")
       time.sleep(break_duration * 60)
       print("Break over! Time to start a new session.")

   # Example usage
   work_duration = 25  # 25 minutes
   break_duration = 5  # 5 minutes
   pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration)

    code: """
  import time

  def pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):
      print("Pomodoro Timer Started!")
      print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")
      time.sleep(work_duration * 60)
      print("Time for a break!")
      print(f"Break for {break_duration} minutes.")
      time.sleep(break_duration * 60)
      print("Break over! Time to start a new session.")

  # Example usage
  work_duration = 25  # 25 minutes
  break_duration = 5  # 5 minutes
  pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration)
    language: "python"

  Would you like to run this code? (y/n)


    code: """
  import time

  def pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):
      print("Pomodoro Timer Started!")
      print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")
      time.sleep(work_duration * 60)
      print("Time for a break!")
      print(f"Break for {break_duration} minutes.")
      time.sleep(break_duration * 60)
      print("Break over! Time to start a new session.")

  # Example usage
  work_duration = 25  # 25 minutes
  break_duration = 5  # 5 minutes
  pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration)
    language: "python"

  NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
  Cell In[6], line 2
        1 print('##active_line1##')
  ----> 2 {code: '\nimport time\n\ndef pomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration):\n    print("Pomodoro Timer
  Started!")\n    print(f"Work for {work_duration} minutes.")\n    time.sleep(work_duration * 60)\n    print("Time
  for a break!")\n    print(f"Break for {break_duration} minutes.")\n    time.sleep(break_duration * 60)\n
  print("Break over! Time to start a new session.")\n\n# Example usage\nwork_duration = 25  # 25
  minutes\nbreak_duration = 5  # 5 minutes\npomodoro_timer(work_duration, break_duration)\n', language: 'python'}

  NameError: name 'code' is not defined

  It seems I placed the code incorrectly. Let me re-execute the Python code correctly this time.

Then it just keeps iterating like this.


just run as read me states

Expected behavior

work as video in readme shows.


No response

Open Interpreter version


Python version


Operating System name and version

macOS 14.5

Additional context

No response